Chapter 6 - The Witch Repellent

Start from the beginning

Kara secretly admired him and she wished that she got his skill. But no, she didn't. She was just a mere woman, like her grandfather always said. "You are a woman Kara, work harder." Or the other sentence that jabbed her heart every time it came out from his old poisonous mouth, "I wish you were a man..... Our company would be twice bigger by now..."

Stefan used to scare her but now he fascinated her.

She watched his every move, she listened to his strategy, the way he lead the meeting, the way he talked to his clients. She even learnt something new from the way he chit chatting with his staff. Not that he chatted a lot but she could see his staff respected this man. It was so different than her staff. They did what she ordered because they scared of her, not because they respected her.

Kara blew a long sigh. She wished she was his friend.....

"What's the matter Witch? Run out steam? Have some chocolate." Stefan poked her with a chocolate bar that he pulled out from his drawer.

"No thanks. I'll better go. I have meeting in an hour." She dismissed his kind gesture coldly and quickly walked out his office before she took off her evil mask and be nice to him.


Next visit


"Miss Evil! Good afternoon. Why are you here? My meeting is not till three, don't you know? Or your diary fell into the cauldron?" he chuckled at his own joke.

Stefan seemed to be in a good mood.

Kara was about to spit a nasty comeback but she sneezed.

"Aw, are you feeling unwell?"

"No I am fine, I...." again she sneezed. Then her eyes caught few vases of roses scattered inside his office, different colours, different sizes but they were roses. One was on his desk, the other one was on the coffee table, another one on top of his fancy filling cabinet....


"Yes, Your Majesty?" he lifted his legs up on his desk and his back leaned heavily on the backrest of his director chair.

"What have you done?" she hissed angrily. "I am allergic to roses."

"Yeah I know, I call it Witch repellent." Stefan grinned in victory.

His Private investigator just found out her weakness and what could be better way to stop her coming into his office than putting some pretty roses in his room? Genius, pure genius! Stefan secretly patted himself on the back for his way of getting rid of Kara.

"Not fair!" Kara sniffing.

Stefan laughed out loud, "Listen to yourself. You can put that word in your dictionary, Miss Singleton."

She wiped her nose with a tissue and stared at him, loosing all her smart retorts that she used to have under her sleeves.

"Anything you want to say before you go home?"

Stefan swore he saw her eyes almost spat some tears but Kara blinked them off, turned her heels around and marched out the door.

"Bye Kara..." Stefan waved.

Seconds later Leah marched in, "Boss...."

"Leah! Did you see her? The Witch repellent works its charm..."

"Um about that Boss. She came here to take you out for lunch."

"Lunch? As we eat together?"

"Yes, that kind of lunch. She called me earlier asking for your schedule. She already made a booking, she said she wanted to celebrate your win for the last tender. Sorry I was caught up with something, forgot to tell you..."

Stefan's mouth opened and close without any syllable came out from it.

This Kara woman was crazy. What made her think that he would go out with her was beyond belief and she already made reservation? So confident...

His jaws clenched. If he wanted to get his company and his research back, shouldn't he go on his way to kiss her ass instead of pissing her off? And what with those roses, now when he thought about it, it was childish.....

But that wasn't the reason of his guilt that suddenly parked in his heart. The way she looked at him earlier was the thing that made him changed his mind. Her eyes were sad....

"Leah." He yelled to his secretary who already went back to her desk.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Find out where the Witch has her lunch."

"The Rufus."

"Oh fuck this!" he sighed, grabbing his jacket and walked out.


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