29.[What Do You Prove When You Making 'Em All Jealous.}

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A/N : Okay, I know I said I was doing a sequel to this book but, It needs more work. I have to put everything into place and make sure it sounds right and right about now, It doesn't. In the meantime, I have another book for you guys. Its called "She Fell In Love." I just want to know if you guys would read. It's wayyyy more interesting that this book now that I have explored my options. Thanks Guys.

( excuse any mistakes that you may come across in this chapter...Thanks for reading.❤)
| Fetty |

"Fuck." I cursed to myself. I was growing irritated at this damn bus. We had been sitting in it for over an hour.

I had an important club appearance to get into to and the bouncers weren't letting us inside. They were fucking with my money and everybody knows I hate that.

To my surprise, a Facetime call from Anika popped up on my phone. I quickly answered it, sliding the bar at the bottom.

"Hey baby. What are you doing? You look tired, go lay down." She threw her words at me, causing me to laugh.

"Anika,damn. You hear that?" I questioned.

"Hear what?"

"The money...It's calling." I joked and she stale-faced me.

"Ring...ring...ring." Monty and Nitt cooed in the background making me laugh harder. Fucking clowns.

"Is that wap?" Khaos big faced popped up in the camera.

"Move!" She nudged him and I heard him yell followed by a large thud.

She turned the camera the other way and Khaos was on the floor, laughing hard as ever. I'm guessing she pushed him off the couch. They both laughed hard and I waited for them to finish bullshitting so that I can peacefully talk to my baby.

I can admit I was a little jealous. I missed pushing Anika's little ass of the couch. One time I pushed her and she got a carpet burn. She complained about how it would hurt when she takes a shower.

I missed Anika a little bit too much.

"Okay I'm sorry, where were we?" She turned the camera around and finished laughing.

"Baby, why you up so late?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Can't sleep. I had a long ass nap and you know I can't sleep without you." she mumbled the last part.

"I can't sleep without you head asss!" Khaos mocked her and she kissed her teeth.

"Where's Tanya?" I asked, noticing she wasn't in the living room with them.

"She's upstairs taking a bath." She simply says, throwing me a teeth-less smile.

"I miss you soooo much." She poked out her bottom lip and laid out on the couch.

"You know I miss you mama, but look, I'ma see what's going on with the venue and I'ma call you right back."

"I love you."

"Love you more baby."

We exchanged goodbyes and I hung up the phone, sliding the phone back inside my pocket.


"Aydin,baby. Get down from there."

Reese let me spend some time with Aydin because she had something important she had to get to. I accepted the offer quickly. I loved spending time with Aydin and Aydin loved spending time with me. He was a cool lil dude and I'm glad he likes me. He's nothing like those snobby little kids.

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