A Talk With A Leopard, My Guardian

Start from the beginning

"Well, Sakura, Minxie's been training especially with a very talented Jonin for quite some time. She knows jutsus that none of you do. And she's been sent here by a special request from the Hokage. Therefore, she is allowed to take the graduation exam," He replied. 

Sakura nodded, scowling at Minxie. Minxie smiled innocently at her, getting a devious glint in her eyes.

"Iruka-sensei, if Sakura is so concerned, I can just take the exam right here," the brunette offered. "I know that it's normal protocal to have the exam in a separate room, but I'd hate for her to get any worry lines on that precious forehead of hers."

A chorus of snickers sounded from our classmates; even I had to allow myself a smirk that I quickly covered with the palm of my hand. Sakura's glare at Minxie was so icy that I was surprised ice hadn't sprouted from her eyes.

Iruka-sensei gave Minxie a fond smile. He had to have known what she was up to, but he agreed nonetheless. "Go right ahead, Minxie."

Minxie nodded, making her hand signs flawlessly. She cast her jutsu, and next to her appeared six clones, not three as we were required to make, and they were all perfect copies of herself. However, they were also solid clones, instead of just the illusion. Everyone stared at her, and she looked behind her, wondering what she had done. She blinked, then smiled sheepishly at Iruka-sensei.

"Um...Kinda overdid it there... Sorry," She said. 

Iruka-sensei looked taken a back, but he smiled back at her. "Excellent, Minxie, you pass," He said, and she smiled, going over to retrieve her Leaf Headband. Sakura's expression was priceless. Iruka-sensei then announced that the exam would proceed normally.

When I was called into the next room for my turn, I performed the jutsu perfectly. I got my headband and was dismissed. Outside, those who had passed were being congratulated by their families. I spotted Minxie sitting under a tree. Unlike the other girls, who used their headbands as hair clips, she had hers around her forehead. Unfortunately, she caught me looking, and she turned her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. 

I blinked, then sent her a scowl. She frowned, scowling back at me. Suddenly, her face split into a grin. She stood up, walking over to Naruto, who had just exited the Academy. When she noticed that he lacked a headband, however, her face fell. I could tell that she was trying to comfort him, but he looked too depressed to listen. He went to sit on the empty swing, and she followed him, sitting on the ground next to him. Not once did anyone approach her.

I frowned. Where were her parents? I knew that Naruto had none, but where were hers? She had to have parents, or some kind of family... Unless she didn't. She always seemed so happy... Was that nothing but a mask to hide her loneliness?

I brushed away those thoughts, turning away and heading home. Her family situation was no business of mine, anyway.


The next day, all the graduates met up at the Academy so that we could have our final briefing. I had no idea why Naruto was there, nor why he suddenly had a headband on, but I didn't care. He'd probably just stolen it, anyway, knowing him.

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