Nora shook her head annoyed at the them who felt like the need to boast about their money. She didn't understand why someone would come into such a shy , small city with something that just screamed wealth.

" Money makes you ignorant, can also make you lose sight of who you are."

Uncle Javier - an old butcher- had said to her outside his shop as he was moving his sign over .

It did seem as if they had forgotten where they started and how poverty almost destroyed them.


" He's coming!"

Nora's step-madre kept yelling as she ran around frantically trying to make sure that the dinner table was set properly. She knew he was used to big massive buffets but she hoped this would be okay.

Nora sighed as she lay back on the kitchen table - she know she would have to be stuck here all day. She fiddled with her sterling silver necklace of a compass which her padre face to her before he died, it had a small quote engraved on the back.

He was the owner of a big company out of town, he had lots and lots of money. However, he had never ever boasted or thrown it in anyone's face. In fact he bought a humble house instead of creating a loud one. Also gave loads away to charity and help fund the local community. Never ever bought things of high and extreme value because he didn't believe in doing that, he knew what money did to people .

He then lost his job , how? Once he has met Nora's step made, he, himself had lost sight of his good morals. Spending , spending, spending on things that were so that were not needed - rows of yachts, houses plotted in different countries , he even bought her a diner in the city.

He was so blinded in love he put everything in her name, and then a year later he died , leaving everything to a modern day witch.

Nora always wanted to do get things on her own which is why she refused to take any money and since her father died, her step mother made it impossible for her to get any.

She looked over at her two younger step-sisters swearing bright pink and yell dresses which could blind you if you had an easy eye. They were bickering over something, as per, standing in their heels.

" NORA! ... NORA!"

The witch screeched loudly. Nora walked into the dinning room - it had changed since her father had decorated now it was extremely grand on the inside unlike out which still kept its natural face.

Nora had taken off her necklace before placing it in the dining are on one of the table bowls before looking her step mother .

L, the step madre stood and had taken one of Nora's dresses which was far too tight on her. Her botoxed face kept a set smile even when she wasn't.

" What? Also you are wearing my dress?"

L gave Nora the dirtiest look. Who did she think she was ? After all it was her who provided after Nora and taken care of her.

" I paid for it? Did you? No! So shut your face ! And this is the wrong sauc-"

L was interrupted by the doorbell playing a humongous little chime, it repeated quite a few times and one after the other.

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