Gerard Pique

690 18 9

Nora hummed quietly whilst waiting for ( idk if that's the currency lol @ me but ima roll with it !) the bank lady behind the glass window.

She had been saving up for sometime to pay for a car . Since she had been living in on her own, cash was not the easiest to generate . Paying rent and her bills every month also Uni fees had not been easy and last but not least food and clothes . However, she got by well as her job as an beginner/average  journalist was okay right now .

" So all in total you got 8000 euros in your account for your car that you are withdrawing? ."

Nora grinned from ear to ear as she heard this. She had been saving ever since she was 22 and now she was 25.
It wasn't long till she got promoted after handing in a piece of work that she grafted on for months and it had got the recognition she had hoped for.

" Yes I am.Thank you."

The woman smiled back before grabbing a brown envelope from the small velvety shelf of a box sitting upon her desk. Her desk wasn't cluttered at all, everything clear and neatly organised.

She then took out the generous amount and placed it with a little struggle into the brown envelope before sealing it and passing it through the metal,under the glass window .

Nora knew her car wouldn't be anything fancy , that is right now. She was sure her career would hit off and she could then splurge whenever to suit desire. As of right now she was happy to have a little mini flying about, maybe later in life she'd have a little bit of a luxury .

" Can I withdraw 80,000 euros, porfavour?"

Said the man ever so causally. Nora peeked over, not seeing of whom was withdrawing a massive amount of cash. She scoffed as she watched the lady count her 8000.

The woman placed the envelope underneath the sliding plastic. Nora then placed her hand and gripped on to the envelope, then slipping it securely in her back pocket. She thanked the lady before turning on her heels and walking out.

The cold air hit her face like a snowball. The streets were loud and cluttered , houses all looked like an old Italy. It was a place she was proud that she was from, and it had always brought lots of joy to Nora when she got to chat about it.

Today however was not a joyful day as someone who had grown up here had left to go see the world and to achieve at their dreams. They did. But in doing so they had changed into someone who they were not according to her uncle. Nora didn't really  remember them when they left at seventeen, but, apparently it was heartbreaking. But now Nora didn't care about him due to his lack of manner.

She fixed her satchel which had began to tighten on her shoulder. Nora looked casual yet chic with  skinny jeans, chunky polo neck and winter boots. The brunette then took out of her pocket the envelope and held it in her hands tightly.

Coming from the top of the homely and humble street was a black car , not car , a limo. It stuck out like a sore thumb in the old city as it cruised by the streets.

Nora squinted her eyes and bit her inner lip trying to figure out who it was. It was unusual for anyone of such high wealth to be here , well , it was a tourist area but rarely anyone showed up in a limo.  She just assumed it was them.

The limo cruised by her. Subtle party music played which you could only hear if you listened real close to it. Tinted windows so you couldn't see who was the prestige person who could afford it, black alloys just to top it off.

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