Erik Durm : Requested

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* This is the one which got deleted *

I moved a pile of Eriks waistcoats on to the bed to sort them out , since he was at training.

Why am I sorting out his waistcoats well quite frankly I'm bored , however it won't be long till he comes back .

As I sat the clothes down , I fiddled around with the ring on my finger - let me introduce myself my name is Kiki Durm , Erik Durms wife.

I separated the waistcoats from each other but one drew my attention to it , I laughed as I opened it to its full length .

I couldn't believe Erik had still kept this one suit , my hands travelled up and down the suit but stopped at the pocket which felt full,

I furrowed my eyebrows at this , my hand went into the pocket pulling out a scrumpled note .

I opened up the note and giggled , I couldn't believe he kept this ,

Why couldn't I believe this , let me explain to the first time we met.

* 1 Year and a half ago *

" Linda where shall I put the new shirts ? " I asked my boss through my walkie talkie , I worked in Fashion City ( My lil cousin came up with the name - she's 4 lol ) for men though .

The store is huge therefore the walkie talkies , I stood behind the cashier counter awaiting a response staring at the huge box sitting on top.

Finally Linda replied " Just on the front racks Kiki " , I put my walkie talkie in my pocket and lifted up the box and started to move forward , towards some empty racks.

Linda wanted everything to be perfect today ,

She said there were big buyers coming in today so nothing should be messed up.

I sighed slightly as I walked towards the racks but before I knew it , I was on the floor with the box except it was side ways.

I looked up at a man shortly and realised I must of bumped into him , the man asked me if I was okay ; I just nodded politely and got up then carried on towards the racks , with the box in my hands.

I opened up the box taking out the white shirts and putting them in hangers then hanging each one on the rack.

As I finished putting the shirts on the rack , I turned to look at the checkout ; there were 3 people there and Linda was behind the checkout counter.

I caught Linda's eye ... How do I know this well it was the fact she made that " Help Face " .

I held the empty box in my hand and laughed , maybe it bit too loud because the three men turned to look at me.

I just held the box and looked around causally , as my eyes scanned back round I couldn't keep them off of one of the clients.

" Kiki could you come up here , I could use your assistance " Linda shouted knowing I hated doing this job it was basically you had to find the design that the customer asked for.

I sighed before I heard a chuckle , I turned round to see Scott one of the other workers here laughing at my unlucky fate .

" Shut up Scott " I said before throwing the box at him , as he fell so did the box my laughter was uncontrollable till

" KIKI " Linda shouted .

Then Scott burst our laughing , I glared at him before moving away .

I walked up to the checkout area , Bruno Mars - Treasure filled up the store.

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