Jordyn Avery Is Dead

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We ran all the way to the staircase, finally stopping for breath.

"Stairs! That's more like it. It hasn't got legs. It's stuck!" Rose laughed.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I muttered, but nobody heard me. My memory may only just be coming back, but I remembered the Daleks, and I knew a simple staircase wouldn't defeat them.

"It's coming! Get up!" De Maggio ordered. The four of us, darted up the stairs, stopping only to watch the Dalek approach the steps.

"Great big alien death machine defeated by a flight of stairs." Adam joked. I rolled my eyes, they were going to find out the hard way.

"Now listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate then I can guarantee that Mister van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong, but people have died, and that stops right now. The killing stops. Have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?" De Maggio asked.

The Dalek looked up at her, emotionless.

"Elevate." It's robotic voice said. It began to glide up the stairs, just like I thought it would.

"Oh my god." Rose whispered in shock.

"Adam, get the girls out of here." De Maggio commanded.

"Come with us." I begged her. "You can't stop it."

"Someone's got to try. Now get out! Don't look back. Just run." Adam grabbed my hand and pulled me up the second flight of stairs, away from De Maggio.

We heard her scream, but we didn't dare go back.

"What did you tell the Doctor you were? Alien, right?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, an Empath."

"Being an Empath is when you are affected by other people's energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced by others' desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Being an Empath is much more than being highly sensitive and it's not just limited to emotions."


"Yeah, I can feel everything you feel. I'm not strong enough right now to do it without touching your hand. I can also make people feel an emotion, simply by touching their hand. For example, I could make you cry, if I wanted to just by touching you."

"That's insane."

"I'm also a lot older than I thought."

"How old are you?"

"Well, today's my birthday so-"

"Oh, happy birthday!"

"Thanks, but, er, I'm 318 now."

She stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"You what?"

"I'm 318 years old."

"You're joking."

"Nope. My memory is starting to come back. I'm 318."

"Well, you're looking good on it." Rose laughed.

"Come on." I laughed, shaking my head at her. I grabbed her hand and we took off running again.

Eventually, we arrived at the loading bay, where dozens of soldiers were arranged, ready to defeat the Dalek.

"Hold your fire!" One of them shouted. "You three, get the hell out of there!"

We darted past a guard at the entrance, just as the dalek joined us. I glanced at the dalek and it seemed like it was zooming in on my face, like it was looking at me. I shook it off and ran off the bay with Rose and Adam.

We took off running up the stairs again.

All of a sudden, Rose's phone began to ring.

"Oi!" I snapped my fingers and she tossed the phone to me.

"Doctor, now is not the best time."

"Where are you?"

"Level forty nine. Why?"

"You've got to keep moving. The vaults are being sealed up at level forty six." We got to level forty eight.

"Can't you stop them closing?"

"I'm the one who's closing them. I can't wait and I can't help you. Now, for god's sake, run." We got to level forty seven.

"Oi! He's sealing the vaults!" I called to the others.

"What?!" Rose exclaimed.


We got to level forty six. "We're nearly there. Give us two seconds."

There was a pause before he responded. "I'm sorry."

"DOCTOR!" I screamed into the phone. I threw the phone on the ground in anger, darting to the doors.

"Come on!" Adam called. He rolled under the bulkhead, pulling Rose with him.

I ran as fast as possible, but arrived a second late. I walked to the phone, picked it up, and sighed.

"Jordyn, where are you? Did you make it?"

"So, I was a bit slow." I sighed, sitting down. The dalek arrived, slowly moving closer to me.  "It wasn't your fault, Doctor, remember that. It wasn't your fault. And do you know what? This was the most fun I've ever had."

I stood up to face the dalek, dropping the phone to the ground.  There was silence for a moment, and then, "exterminate!"


"I killed her." I muttered.

"I'm sorry." Van Statten said.

"I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry? I could've killed that Dalek in its cell, but you stopped me."

"It was the prize of my collection!"

"Your collection? But was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Jordyn? Let me tell you something, Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore, to be part of something greater."

"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars!"

"No, you just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them. You're about as far from the stars as you can get. And you took her down with you. Jordyn Avery. She was everything, and you killed her. Jordyn Avery is dead because of you."

A/N I know this chapter is short, but I will be updating again ASAP so don't worry! I'm going to try and get to The Christmas Invasion before Christmas so that means there should be a lot more updates.


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