Bleeding Out

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A/N I just realized I haven't been putting trigger warnings on these chapters. This is a big one. Depression, suicidal thoughts, and violence or abuse. I can literally trigger myself with this chapter what am I doing.

I stared at the door, a mixture of horror and shock colliding.

"Jordyn? Come on! A spaceship just crashed into the Clock Tower!" The Doctor exclaimed.

I kept my feet rooted to that spot. "What're you staring at?" The Doctor asked, looking at the flat door.

"That's my dad's flat." I whispered. His eyes widened instantly, and he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away.

I stayed in that spot. "I have to face him." I muttered.

"No, you don't!" He insisted. "Just walk away and forget about it Jordyn. That's all you have to do. Just walk away."

For the first time in the whole conversation I turned to face him, tears forming in my eyes. "I have to." I turned the knob and darted inside. I slammed the door in his face before he had the chance to walk in with me.

"Why the hell are you here?!" A voice behind roared.

I turned around shakily and looked into the eyes of my father.

"H-Hi Daddy." I tried to smile with tears running down his face.

"NEVER COME BACK!" He shouted, as he tossed a beer bottle straight at my head.


"We need to get her Rose." 

"What about the spaceship?!" 

"That can wait. If she gets hurt, it's on me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the Tardis.

I darted up the steps as fast as I could, almost yanking Rose's arm off. When I finally got to the flat, the door was wide open.

I ran into the flat to find Jordyn in a pool of her own blood. Rose walked in after me and when she noticed Jordyn on the floor, she started to cry. 

"JORDYN!" She cried, running towards her. 

I couldn't stop staring at her. I lost her. I lost another one. I noticed her dad standing in the corner and I knew this was his fault.


"Who the hell are you?" He slurred, swaying with a bottle of beer in his hands.


"Doctor!" Rose called. "There's a pulse. She's alive."

"She's alive." I whispered, not quite believing it. "She's alive!" I exclaimed.

"Then clearly I didn't do my job." Her dad muttered. I turned around and, without a second thought, knocked him out with one punch.

"Doctor!" Rose objected.

"Oh, come on. You would've done the same thing." I told her. "Now let's get her in the Tardis."
I picked her up and carried her out.


I rubbed my eyes and slowly began to take in my surroundings.

I was back in the Tardis. I sat up cautiously, rubbing my head.

"What happened? Where's my Dad?" I questioned the two of them.

"Your dad..." Rose started. "Your dad knocked you unconscious. We brought you back here."

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