Rose Comes Home

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"You've got a phone?" Rose asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"You think he travels through space and time without a phone?" I laughed.

"Like I said, a couple of hours. I've just got to send out this dispersal. There you go. That's cancelling out the Slitheen's advert in case any bargain hunters turn up." The Doctor called. I put the phone on speaker and rested it on the console.

"Er, my mother's cooking."

"Good. Put her on a slow heat and let her simmer." The Doctor joked.

"She's cooking tea. For us." She corrected.

"I don't do that." The Doctor warned.


"No, sorry."

"She wants to get to know the two of you."

"Tough. We've got better things to do." The Doctor told her.

"It's just tea." She sighed.

"Not to me it isn't." The Doctor replied.

"She's my mother."

"Well, she's not mine." I told her. "I probably wouldn't say yes if she was."

"That's not fair."

"Well, you can stay there if you want, but right now there's this plasma storm brewing in the Horsehead Nebula. Fires are burning ten million miles wide. I could fly the Tardis right into the heart of it then ride the shock wave all the way out. Hurtle right across the sky and end up anywhere. Your choice."

My eyes widened and filled with wonder as I listened to the Doctor tell her that. I stared at him almost asked the question if we would go anyway. Without Rose. He saw my gaze and nodded once, answering my question. A smile spread across my face at the idea of seeing all that beauty.

When we walked out of the Tardis we saw a boy spray painting the words 'Bad Wolf' on a building.

"Doctor, he's probably the kid who sprayed that on the Tardis." I told him. He stared at the Tardis for a moment, then glanced at the boy.

"Oi! You!" He called. The boy dropped his bottle in fear, but still came running over. "Get a scrubbing brush and get this graffiti off of this box now or else." He ran away and came back, moments later, with a scrubbing brush and a bucket.

I giggled at the Doctor's stern expression. "You would make a really good dad, you know."

"I am a dad. Or, er, was."

"What happened?"

He looked down at the ground. I stopped the conversation there. You don't just casually bring up the death of a man's entire species.

The boy finished cleaning up the graffiti and walked over to us. "Good lad. Graffiti that again and I'll have you. Now, beat it." The boy darted down the street with his bucket and scrubbing brush.

"I doubt he'll ever graffiti anything again after that." I muttered, causing the Doctor to smirk.

Just then, Mickey came walking down the street. He pulled out a newspaper and showed it to the two of us.

"I just went down the shop, and I was thinking, you know, like the whole world's changed. Aliens and spaceships all in public. And here it is." The Evening Daily Standard headline read 'Alien Hoax.' "How can they do that?" Mickey asked. "They saw it."

"They're just not ready. You're happy to believe in something that's invisible, but if it's staring you in the face, nope, can't see it. There's a scientific explanation for that. You're thick." I snorted at that.

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