Chapter 05: Double Trouble?

Start from the beginning

"Very true." I comment.

Just as my gaze flickers towards the magazine again. A new voice decides to call my name. This time it is the doctor. "Lacey Quinn." Doctor Scarlett Rose calls, stepping out of her office. I am so happy I have got a female doctor because I feel more comfortable with a female rather then a male.

I place the magazine back down onto the chair next to me. I and Toby stand up; walking in the direction of the doctors office.

Once we enter the room, Toby closes the wooden door. The room is a light pink colour with a window in the back right hand corner.

The doctor looks around thirty years old with grey eyeshadow on with red lipstick. Along side a basic layer of makeup (bronzer which matches her skin tone, a light layer of foundation). Her black hair is tied up into a bun on the top of her head, a few pieces of hair already out of the bun. She gives us a warm smile.

She sits down at her desk which is super tidy, may I add. Once seated she places her glasses which are on her head, over her eyes. She then starts to type away on her computer keyboard, occasionally stealing glances at us every two minutes or so.

We sit there waiting for her to finish, I steal a glance at Toby who looks nervous. He keeps scratching the back of his head with his fingers.

"Sorry about this. I just need to send this quick email about a patient to a hospital." She informs us, looking at us for a couple of seconds until she turns back to her work. Quickly typing away.

"It's fine." I mumble. It's not fine, I am not fine, I am freaking out. I just want to know if I am pregnant or not. This has taken a lot of courage for me to come here today. I have been scared about this since I made the appointment.

She whips her head to face me and Toby, giving us a smile. She clasps her hands together and then unclasps them again and places her glasses back onto the desk softy. "So what can I do for you?" She asks us.

I take a big breath in and open my mouth. Toby puts his hand on my shoulder, telling me without actually speaking to say I am here for you. "I think I may be pregnant." Once the sentence leaves my mouth, I feel a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can breathe again.

"Okay shall we see if you are pregnant. I am guessing this young man here is the babies father?" She asks Toby, gesturing to him.

Toby nods his head, grabbing my sweaty hand in his clammy hand. "Yes I am." He says, his voice turning horsey.

"Well I just want to say well done. Not all young men really admit to their actions. So it is good that you are still by Lacey's side." She tells Toby which makes Toby give a a small smile.

"Okay Lacey, I would like you to pee in this bottle for me and bring it back here then I can see if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant we can go through any questions that you may have. Then we can see how long you are along." She informs us, she gets up from her seat. Walking over to the cabinets on the wall which are located by the desk. Opening one of the cabinets, she retrieves a little plastic bottle which I am guessing I have to pee in.

Handing it over to me, I take it. "So go pop to the toilet, pee in the bottle and come back please." She says. I nod my head in response and make my way out of the room.


I hand the pee filled bottle back to the doctor a couple of minutes ago. Since then she has been examining the bottle to see if I am pregnant or not. Theses two minutes have got so slowly, it feels like it has been about ten minutes since the time I handed the bottle to her.

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