"I want to." I looked at him.

"Well you can." Daryl told me.

I pressed a button and looked at Daryl. "We should leave this here for back up in case things go south at the church." I closed the boot and put the keys in my pocket.

I picked up the containers at my feet and Daryl stepped forward. "Want me to carry one of those?" He asked as he dropped a container on the floor and it rolled to my feet.

I looked at him and he covered his face with embarrassment. I couldn't help but laugh. "No."

Daryl picked up the container and we started walking back to the church. "At Terminus, there was this woman. We fought and she told me that the signs used to be true. She said that people came and took it. Raped. Killed and laughed. I shot her in the leg. Then I opened the door and let the walkers kill her. How am I any better than the men who attacked them? What kind of person does that make me?" I asked as it had been in the back of my mind for a while.

"It doesn't change who you are. We've all killed people. If you weren't the person you are, Shane would still be here and Norman and who knows what they could've done. Shane led us out. He wanted to kill us all and if it wasn't for you we'd be dead. Don't let it eat up at you." Daryl told me.

As we walkd back it was all playing on my mind. If things were different then people we've lost would still be alive. We wouldn't have lost the farm or the prison. Even with Lizzie and Mika. I left them for a small amount of time and in that time Lizzie killed her own sister.

All I keep thinking is if I don't keep my mouth shut then maybe things would be different. If I would've told everyone about Shane we wouldn't have lost the farm but on the other hand I wouldn't have reunited with my dad. If I'd just opened up about Woodbury, Hershal wouldn't be dead, or Andrea, or Merle and we'd still have the prison.

As we reached the church I saw Rick and Carl looking at the outside of the walls and Abraham and Rosita fixing the bus. We took the containers inside and Briana was sat with Judith.

"We can start over." Daryl kissed my forehead and went outside to help Abraham.

I can't start over. Not with how much blood is on my hands. Not with how much regret I have with keeping my mouth shut. Whilst everyone was preparing the food that Ricks group had bought back I started putting a few supplies into my bag. I can just slip away in that car me and Daryl found and I wouldn't be hurting anyone anymore.

Once it got dark everyone was having a laugh and eating the prepared food. I didn't have much but I sat away from everyone.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Abraham raised his glass. "I look aroumd this room and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To the survivors."

"To the survivors." Everyone cheered and raised their glasses.

"Is that all you wanna be?" He continued. "Wake up in the morning. Fight the undead pricks. Forage for food. Go to sleep with two eyes open. Rinse and repeat? 'Cause you can do that. I mean you got the strength. You got the skill. Thing is for you people for what you can do is just surrender. Now we get Eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. Now that is not a bad take away for a little road trip."

No one replied but whilst everyone kept their eyes on Abraham this could be the perfect time to go without being seen. As soon as I was about to get up Abraham began to speak and everyone looked at Eugene who was sat opposite me. "Eugene. What's in DC."

"Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. That means food, fuel, refuge. Restart." Eugene told us.

"How ever this plays out. How ever long it takes for the reset button to kick in. You can be safe there. Safer than you've been  since this whole thing started. Come with us. Save the world for that little one. Save it for yourselves. Save it for the people out there who don't got nothing left to do but survive." Abraham made one last speech before he went silent.

Judith started to make baby noises and everyone looked at her. "What was that?" Rick asked her and everyone laughed. "I think she knows what I'm about to say. She's in. If she's in, I'm in. We're in."

Once everyone had settled down and started laughing again I picked up my bag and slipped out of the church. I started to walk towards the car and everything around me was silent. Not even the sound of walkers.

I reached the point where the car was and put my bag into the boot. I opened the bonnet to the car after turning the key a couple of times. I had no idea what I was doing but I managed to get it working.

Then the sound of branches and growling came from up the road where a walker came into view. I pulled out my knife and killed the walker. I stood and looked at it for a moment as there was another sound of rustling from near to the car.

I turned around and Daryl stepped out onto the road. He must of followed my tracks. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know." I replied. The truth is I dont know what I'm doing any more and without somewhere stable to live what's the point in staying to watch people I love getting killed.

"Come on." Daryl reached out his hand and shook his head in the direction of the church.

I slowly started to make my way over as the sound of a car came from the crossroads up ahead. We hid behind the car then Daryl ran up to where the car drove by dropping his crossbow in the process.

He came running back and picked up his crossbow and started to smash the lights on the car. "Hey. What are you doing? What are you doing?" I yelled.

"They've got Beth." Daryl replied and smashed the last light. "Come on. Come on get in."

Without hesitation I got into the car and Daryl put his foot down after the other car.

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