Firming Up

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I start exercising everyday for hours at a time. Will and Tanner make it a point to come over and spend time with me but as soon as they leave I get right back to exercising. I keep the boys in a crib in the fitness room with me.
Bo calls everyday and begs to take me out but I refuse to go anywhere until I'm back in shape. It's been a few weeks and we've kissed a few times but he comes over all the time. Today he's busy so he won't be over until later. I'm nearly back to my normal size now so I put the boys in their seats and pull on my tights and yellow outfit to exercise. When I walk to the living room I find Gary with company. Renee and Erik look at me so I quickly turn for the kitchen but Renee stops me.

Would you like some help? Two babies are hard for one person.

Thanks but I'm used to it they're dad walked out on us before they were even born.

I heard you were raising them by yourself. Here let me help you. What's their names?

I grin as I grab my water and pick up their bag.

This is Carson and this is Bradley.

She smiles getting a thrilled look on her face.

Oh that's neat CJ and BJ.

I smile as I pick them up but she grins.

Do you like dancing? I'm gonna start my dancing today but I have two poles if you want to learn.

She looks at Gary and Erik who stop talking to look at us but she shrugs.

Sure but I'm not dressed for it.

I laugh looking at her clothes.

Sure you are. You wearing underwear aren't you? That's all you need. Come on.

We walk out but she takes Carson as we walk. I skip exercising going straight to my dance studio today. I show her some moves before turning on the music to dance. We laugh and talk having a good time until we're all sweaty then she leaves. I feed the boys and change them. Then Tanner shows up so we walk inside but Erik's still playing video games with Gary.

So how's Amber and the baby?

I ask but he groans being annoyed.

She's a bitch. She doesn't even want our daughter. I swear I think I'm gonna take her and raise her myself when she has her. If you can raise two surely I can raise one.

He complains while looking at my boys so I speak up letting Erik hear me then.

I didn't choose to raise my boys alone Tanner. Their asshole father walked out on us and it's not easy. I haven't left my place once since I've had them. I haven't even went to my mom's.

He smiles at me picking up on what I'm doing but Erik ignores me.

Well do you want to get out? We can take the boys to the park.

I scoff looking at myself.

No look at me. I need a shower and I'm huge still. Plus Bo's coming over with pizza and we're playing the game.

So what's up with Will? He's been hanging around a lot lately.

I groan irritated again.

I know he's a pain in my butt. I guess he wants to be part of mine and the boys lives now but he's just irritating. He acts like they're his or something.

He shakes his head.

Well I'm sorry sweetie but I have to get to work. I just wanted to check on you.

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