Back To Long Beach

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I walk to the door to see Maddie and she hugs me but the kids don't pay her any attention. They don't really know her.

I just got back in town and I wanted to tell you that Luke and I got married. I tried to reach you but nobody could get ahold of you.

I frown confused.

You have my phone number and my Skype and Twitter and Facebook. You know I check those. When did you get married?

She frowns looking down.

August 6 and I'm pregnant. I just found out yesterday.

Why didn't you really invite me? Was it because of Will?

She stands in my doorway looking at the boys.

Are they Will's?

I look at my boys and shake my head.

No he lied. We never slept together. We only fooled around.

She scoffs sounding annoyed.

You don't have to lie to me Tabby, I'm your friend and he's my brother. I have a right to know if I'm an aunt.

I get angry at her for calling me a liar then look out to see Will in his truck in my driveway so I push her out but she stumbles backwards.

Get out and take that lying sack of shit with you!

The boys stop playing and look.

Alm. Mommy said a bad word.

Carson says as Bradley giggles. Will jumps out as Maddie backs up and the boys start to run to him. JC and Gavin walk out closing Erik's door then head to Gavin's car.

No boys get in the house!

Will frowns at me upset.

You're not gonna let me see them Tabby. That's a bitch move!

I step toward him as I see JC freeze and look over and Maddie crosses her arms.

Why would I you're a nobody to them. You're not their father! All you are is a liar! You have to make up stories to make yourself look good! You know you never wanted them and you lied to get attention. My boys know their father and he's not you!

They're my boys Tabby! Erik doesn't even want them!

I grit my teeth.

Get off my property now! I don't care if he wants them or not! I'll raise them myself you bastard! I swear you'll regret trying to claim them!

Maddie jumps in his truck and they leave but Bradley comes to the door looking at me.

Mommy mad?

I bow my head to calm myself.

Mommies okay. You go play with Carson.

They start watching their movie again so I sigh then look around to see the guys looking at me. I shake me head then walk in with my boys. I grab my phone and call to change my flight so we leave tonight. Thirty minutes later our car arrives and we load our things as I get in the car with the kids as Erik walks out freshly showered and they tell him what happened but I get in and we leave as he watches us. We stop at my mom's to drop off Devon's ticket and then take off. We board the plane and I give the kids their new tablets. They play and have a blast. We get to Texas and check into our hotel but the kids are dead tired so they go right to sleep. I call mom and check in then text Gary but he doesn't reply. I spend the next months doing shows but Devon forces me to eat with them and I catch him Skyping with Erik a couple times and I take the boys away. Making sure Erik knows why.

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