Watch Her Grow

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Erik I want to watch the models come on... Come on!

I groan as I get up and follow her to the group of fans outside. We watch as they pull up one by one and step out of their limos then Tabby shows up in her gold gown and who's escorting her but Gary. Then a photographer asks her about Jared and Gary.

Jared and I are no longer together. However we are still friends. Our careers have just takin us in two different directions. I'm perfectly content being single. This is my cousin Gary. He's new in town and I love spending time with him.

She smiles and moves on.

Renee ogles over all the models until we go back inside to sit down. I see Tabby's mom and brother sitting with Gary and watch as the show begins. I watch the girls walk out in random panties and bras with stocking and garters then look at Renee.

Renee, I didn't know this was an underwear show.

She laughs.

It says it right on your ticket, you dork.

I grin and look at my ticket when she smacks me.

Look the top model. They flew her in from Paris. Isn't she amazing?

I look up to see Tabby in all her glory wearing floral underwear but she has flowers on her shoulders like sleeves.

Yeah. She's amazing alright.

I watch her walk away then take a drink. A few minutes later she comes back out in a different set. I watch her strut then spin and I know she was meant for this.

I wish I could do that. I'd trip over my own two feet.

I laugh lightly at Renee's whining.

You would not. You could be just as good as them. You just don't have a teacher like they do.

She smirks and starts to say something when we hear a crash and a scream from behind the curtain but the girls keep coming out. Then notice they skipped Tabby and another girl. When she comes back out I can tell somethings wrong. I notice they put makeup on her side to hide it and the red head is still missing and when Tabby walks in Maddie walks out so I close my eyes but Renee smacks me.

What are you doing?

I frown.

She's my student.

Renee laughs.

Oh well she's on t.v. now so you're gonna see her no matter what.

I open my eyes and shrug. She's right

Yeah, I guess so.

Then the guys walk and surprise, surprise Jared has shown up. I never realized he would be a good model but he's pulled it off.
The show goes on a little while longer then the girls start coming out wearing small wing. It isn't long before the show comes to an end and Tabby comes out wearing a huge set of white wings and a white underwear set. She stands at the front of the stage while the other girls take their places lining the runway with the guys placed between them. The cameras flash as they move and pose then they turn and walk to the back as if she was leading them. I start to get up but notice nobodies leaving then I see all the models coming out to mingle but where's Tabby? Then I hear her.

Ow don't touch it Tanner! You nearly broke my ribs you moron. Just don't okay!

She's around the corner in a teal colored dress with jewels strung across it. She's beautiful. She walks over to her family then mingles a little with the celebrities but she holds her side as she walks over to the bar and gets a water then Will approaches her but she looks him over taking in his new appearance with all his muscles. She grins then hiccups grabbing her ribs but when he reaches for her she pushes him away.

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