The Chase

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Will leaves and I take my shower then read my messages. Tanner tells me he had fun at work today and looks forward to our future. So I tell him to stop it then Bradley text.

Hey you up to talking? I saw your new videos. Very sexy, who's the drummer?

I text back

LOL... That's my brother Devon. He can only play a few songs so I that's why we done those. I grabbed Gabby and Will played guitar since I still have trouble with my hand and wrist. I'm the only girl willing to sing. I didn't sing like this before but losing Erik changed me.

He replies.

How do you mean?

I walk around my room naked air drying like I usually do.

Well when you lose half of yourself you have to find a way to live without it. So I started by singing which was something Erik liked then I put them online. Then I broke down and said yes to Will.

So you're dating Will now?

I smile to myself.

Yes, but it's really hard for me. He's so much like Erik. They even smell the same. I have to look at him sometimes to remind myself who he is. He quickly replies

Maybe that's a sign that you're not ready to date.

I sigh heavily.

Probably but I said yes and I'm sticking to it. Plus I sign on my house next month. They already told me it's mine. So I'll be moving and I don't know what'll happen after that.

After you move maybe you and Erik could be together?

I frown doubting the suggestion.

I doubt it. Found out today that I'll be leaving for Paris soon. Then I'll be doing a lot of traveling for work.

How are you going to go to school and travel?

I laugh amused.

That's easy. Homeschooling and I'll be graduating before I return so I'll own my house when I get home. I'm excited about that.

That is exciting but it takes a long time to pay for a house. How long will you be gone?

I grin as I shrug.

I know right. I don't know how long I'll be gone but I already have the money for the house and they already have my check. We're just waiting until I'm eighteen for them to cash it.

You mean you're paying cash for a house. Where'd you get that kind of money?

I grin looking in the mirror.

Uh, I'm a professional model. And this will be the second house I've paid for. I couldn't let my mom keep slaving away to pay for this house.

He takes a few minutes to reply.

Saw you at the park. Pissed Erik off pretty bad seeing Will touching you.

I rub my belly feeling sick.

I can't change that but it's not like Erik has to worry anyway. Will's adamant that we wait until I'm as comfortable as him. You'd think he was a virgin.

He quickly replies.

Wow, maybe he's afraid he can't compete with your ex's?

I smile shaking my head.

Love, Lust & Broken Trust Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang