A Day At The Park

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When she told me to leave I open the door ready to go but I just couldn't. I had to tell her about Lily. I close the door then I hear her sniffling in the shower so I look in to see her sitting there crying and it nearly broke me. How can I feel so much for someone I just met. I want to be with her all the time. I'm glad she's going to college in Taft. I don't want to lose her yet. I consider telling her where I'm moving but decide to surprise her when she gets there.
Then we nearly having sex in the shower. I'm glad I remembered to think about using a condom. I follow her to her room where she breaks open a condom and rushes to put it on. I grab her giving her what she wants as she calls out calling my name. Then she calls again and again until she clutches to me. I love the thrill she gives me as I pull her. We finish and get dressed then she asks what we're gonna do.

It's a nice day out so how about we go to the park?

She smiles as she grabs her phone and calls Karin. Telling her about Alex.

I'm not some tramp that can be passed around.

Karin must've replied then because Tabby looked at me.

It's not about love dang it! I'm not property and feelings have nothing to do with it! We're talking about Alex.

She must've forgotten I was listening as I look at a few pictures on the dresser. Noticing one of her in all black. She looks so different and so sad but so familiar. That must be what she ment by alternative life style.

That's not funny Karin. The guy I fall I'm love with will probably leave me as soon as I get knocked up. I saw my mom struggle. I'm not doing it to. I won't let myself.

She huffs getting more aggravated. I understand now why she doesn't trust men. I clear my throat and she jerks to look at me.

Hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you at the party Wednesday. Okay bye.

She looks at me and grins.

You're to quiet.

I chuckle.

You knew I was here. You just chose to ignore me.

I tease but she scoffs.

I was taking care of a problem.

I laugh lightly.

Yeah and you were getting all worked up and forgot I was here.

She frowns

I knew you were here. I just got caught up in conversation. Karin loves to pick at me.

She wraps her arms around me while I fight the urge to kiss her.

I don't know about you little miss Tabby. You're gonna take my heart and run away with it but you'll never give me yours.

She smiles and her beautiful green eyes twinkle as I look into them.

My heart has many pieces. I break easily and trust rarely. You dear Erik are one of the few people I have ever trusted.

She opens up a little before pulling me down the rest of the way to kiss her. I want to be the one to fixes her broken heart or at least try. Spending so much time with her these last few days has made me want more from our short relationship. I'm starting to wonder how she feels about me.

What are you thinking about? You look so serious.

She asks taking her purse from the dresser and throwing it over her shoulder.

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