Keeping Connected

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Okay so I know I was wrong to take my boys the way I did but they're mine and Erik keeps saying they're not his so he can take care of the girls until their birth certificates come, then I'll take them to. If he insist he doesn't want kids, I'll raise them to but he will help me until then. We land in Cincinnati, Ohio and go to our hotel. Nora and I get the boys settled, then it's off to the studio to do a shoot. There's not much work here but we do what they ask, then do some publicity stuff. I get back to the room and text Bradley.

So I did it. I took my boys and left Erik with our girls. Even though Will and my mom tried to stop me.

He takes a minute to reply.

That was low what you did to Erik today. He thought you were finally gonna be with him. He loves those boys and you just yanking them away like that. That was wrong.

I frown being upset by this.

What am I supposed to do? Just let him raise them and our girls and forget their mine? Does he not remember telling me to have a good life the day I found out I was pregnant and now he wants to be their dad? Why? He doesn't want us, he just wants our daughters!

He replies

Wrong. He still wants you and your boys are his world and having the girls was a bonus. Can't you just stop traveling and be with him? What more do you need?

I frown as I think.

I need to love me.

He doesn't answer. I shower then check my phone but still nothing so I put the boys down then go to sleep. The next several months zip by and we send pictures back and forth. We Skype with Renee and Will but my family stops talking to me so I text Renee and Bradley but he's stopped talking to me to so I'm considering deleting him. I'm sick of his off and on either he's my friend or he's not. We pop in occasionally for a day or two but I avoid Erik and he avoids me. However, he makes a point of seeing the boys. He even calls in to work. I spend time with our girls and he watches but never says anything. I'm tempted to take them when their birth certificates come but I just can't do it to him. My twentieth birthday comes and goes I dress the boys in the Halloween costumes and take them out trick or treating in Douglasville, Georgia. Then Christmas comes and we go home staying for a week but I don't see Erik not once until the day we're leaving. Renee makes sure to bring the girls over everyday to see me but never mentions him or where he is and she always complains about how skinny I am. My family stays away and I spend Christmas with my children. Will, Tanner and Abby, Garrett and Leon all come over but we don't do anything fancy. The day after Christmas we're fixing to leave and the boys are riding their electric quads through the mud pit Gary made them and laughing. When Erik and Renee pull in and she hurries over but they continue to play. Then Erik walks over so they both stop and run to him smiling.

Daddy! Daddy!

They yell so Erik chuckles then bends down

Look how big you guys are getting. I saw you on a magazine the other day. You were in a park with your mommy in Germany.

Bradley says something and he agrees as they pointed to their new quads. Then they take off running then start playing again.

Teaching them to mud early aren't you.

Gary laughs pulling Renee to his side.

No, it's never to early to teach them.

I look at the boys smiling.

Okay boys put them up. We have a flight to catch and you know how the airports are.

They complain to each other as they drive to the house and I walk from behind my car making Erik and Renee frown.

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