Just A Visit

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I keep seeing Tabby with the boys in the tabloids. She's picking up some weight and looking like herself again. However, I'v also seen some shots of her and boys with Jared at the park. He must've been the guy she was talking about when we were skyping. I told Renee and she asked about it before I came in but Tabby dismissed it as a friendly visit.

She said they're working together again but she doesn't know for how long.

Renee text me so I grin. Then I notice that every time they say goodnight they say they love each other and call each other sis and Tabby text every meal she eats to Renee now. They have some kind of deal I guess. The months go by and we see the boys grow over Skype but the girls grow to. They come in for the day on the girls first birthday then leave again but I wasn't home so I didn't get to see my boys. Apparently they were at my house for a couple hours with my family and Tabby spent time with them to. She even left me a package but I haven't opened it although, I really don't think I want to. Renee said she was almost crying when she gave it to her. I look at the CD case and pick it up. Then my Bradley phone buzzes for the first time in weeks with a picture of her and the boys at the park so I grin as I read the text

Sorry it's been so long. We've been very busy. First day out all week. Having a day with my boys going to the carnival later. It's colder here so we have to bundle up. Trying to cheer up. Think I may file for my divorce when I get home but I don't want to. I love my husband, but he keeps insisting on a divorce.

Glad to see you're having fun with them. You look like you're feeling better. If you love him why are you agreeing to a divorce?

She replies.

It's time to move on and Erik's made it clear he wants the divorce. I don't know what else to do. We have the same name and our kids have his name so I don't know why he's pushing it. He's supposed to love me but he wants a divorce?

I grin but somewhat feel joy.

That's because then you're free to marry him and he can adopt the boys so you can be a family. But if you love your husband why do you wanting Erik?

She answers quickly.

First of all I am feeling better. I eat regular now because I have Jared here to push me and Renee to talk to but to answer your question. I love Erik and I'd do anything for him. Even though it makes me unhappy.

I frown knowing Jared's there pushing here but I also know it's a good thing he's making her eat.

It's good to have a friend to motivate you.

She replies.

Have to go goodnight.

I tell her goodnight and lay my phone down but my every day phone chimes.

Is this Erik?

I look then reply sceptical.

Yes, who's this?

They message back.

This is Nora the boys nanny. You can't tell Tabby I messaged. She'll fire me. She only gave me your number for emergencies.

I grin but message back.

Okay so what's wrong? Are the boys or Tabby hurt?

She answers quickly.

No. She's soo sad a the time. Jared tries to cheer her up but she doesn't want him. After the boys and everyone's asleep I hear her crying or when she's in the shower. I don't know what to do to help her.

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