Getting Over It

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Paul interrupts just as Erik's about to kiss me so I groan and look at him.

Hey Paul. The kids are napping so please be quiet.

He nods agreeing.

Of course beautiful. Where's Gary we're supposed to go out today?

My stomach grumbles and I sigh.

He took off with Renee.

He frowns then smiles

You wanna take the quads out?

I almost say yes but catch myself.

You know better. The kids are sleeping and they aren't big enough to get out like we do yet anyway.

My stomach roars again and we look at Erik who walks to my kitchen without saying anything.

Aren't you gonna eat? You sound like you're starving.

He jokes then I smell something that makes mouth water.

I'm used to it. I'll eat soon.

Then I hear my dishes and Erik walks in with something on a plate. Paul looks at him then the sandwich.

What the hell is that?

He puffs but Erik chuckles.

Just something my students talk about. I thought Tabby might like it. It's a grilled PB&J.

He hands it to me while they talk so I take a bite. Then my phone ring so Erik answers for me. Jupiter's quick to reply telling him he's coming to town to help out because of what happened to John. I nearly inhale the sandwich and take my phone.
We discuss our benefit options before deciding to have a car/motorcycle wash with some of the girls and guys we work with as workers for donation.

We can do it here at the local park. Tanner has a motorcycle to so I'm sure someone can bring it.

Erik and Paul look at me curious not hearing my conversation. We hang up as I take my plate to the kitchen to find two more sandwiches. I yawn then walk back out to see what they're doing but they're playing Call of Duty so I grab some drinks and sit between them. When I pick up a controller Erik looks at me and grins. It's been a little while since we've played but we continue. Until I take a drink of Coke then belch and excuse myself but Paul comments.

Nice one Tab. Next you'll be shittin on yourself again.

I laugh amused.

Excuse you but I claim mine and you'll know it was me. I'm not bashful about farting. Ask Erik it's just a fart but I'm not rude.

Erik chuckles.

Please warn me if you're gonna fart. I'll leave.

I have manners I'll go to the bathroom. I don't just let them rip.

They both laugh.

Thank God.

Erik praises and I laugh.

Whatever, it's just a fart dude. It's not like we don't do it.

Erik shakes his head.

You'll change your mind if she farts around you, I guarantee it. Devon and Gary will tell you to run, and I agree.

Paul chuckles unknowing as I look Erik.

That's crazy.

I snicker and elbow him.

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