Wedding In The Park

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I get the kids up and we feed them breakfast then Devon takes them to get ready for the park shoot. We're actually working together for a change and Devon's helping out. On Jupiter's order I go to by Jess's in one of the gowns to see what taking her so long but Peter looks at me oddly.

She left already in a prom like dress. I didn't know she was going to your wedding.

I laugh as Erik turns the corner and freezes.

Well if she calls tell her I'm on my way.

I lift the dress and start to take off but Peter stops me.

Hey what happened with your divorce?

He asks not seeing Erik.

I frown shaking my head.

My husband wanted the divorce not me but it's been dealt with. Now as you can see I have somewhere I have to be.

I take off running to my car. I get in and start driving off then see Erik running out after me. What is he doing? I don't have time for him and his crap right now. I pull in at the park and hurry over to the set. I talk to Dave first. We've already talked and he's going to Taft college also so he's going to live in my apartment. We do several dresses and several poses then Dave and I walk and talk while they change a few things and the paparazzi snaps some photos of us.

Damn that paparazzi. They have to start rumors.

Dave complains but I laugh

Oh, you'll be my second marriage now. Trust me you'll get used to it.

We walk back to the fake crowd and family members sitting there. My boys stand there like they just done something rotten while my girl stand like they're told. Jess stands beside me as we pose for the wedding scene then I interview.

My dream wedding? I would rather just get it over with. I'm not a big fancy wedding person. This was fun and was a blast for my children but I'd much rather do something small or just go get married and be done with it. My husband and I eloped at the Ready to Hitch Ranch. We didn't want anything big.

Jupiter begs me to continue modeling so I tell him I'll continue but only at my local branch and maybe I'll occasionally come out for him but I'm done traveling. Then Dave picks me up bridal style spinning me. So I laugh. Then I see Peter and Erik. Devon walks over in his tux being an extra for this while taking the boys to change. The staff started breaking things down but Erik watches me as Dave puts me down. Jess hugs us then walks toward Peter. Taking the girls with her.

So are you following me tomorrow or what?

Dave smiles.

Yeah my brother's meeting us at your place to help if we need it. I already text him the address so he drove by. He said your house is all done up for Christmas.

I laugh lightly.

That was Garrett and Leon. I asked them to decorate for the kids. We're leaving at six. I'll meet you in the hotel parking lot.

I take off to change but can't get that look Erik was giving me out of my head. Why was he so upset? He looks devastated. I take the dress off and get dressed then meet Devon who's talking to Peter and Erik. Erik looks at me but talks to the kids.

We do da wedding wit mommy and Dabe. Mommy's pwetty in her dwess.

Erik grins but I turn to Devon

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