Hanging out

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4 AM my phone chimes with a text from an unknown number.

Situation handled, phone destroyed.

I'm confused at first then remember Jared running out of the party. They must've told Clayton off good and destroyed his phone. I message back

Who is this?

The mystery person replies.


I don't know a Bradley.

How'd you get my number?

I quickly ask but he text right back.

Erik wanted you to know the situation was handled.

I sit there until he messages again.

Sorry I woke you. Should've waited.

I grin.

Your fine. I don't sleep much. I have to by up at 6 anyway.

I wait to see if he replies.

Oh that sucks working on Sunday?

I shrug and sigh.

Don't really have to but I am. Just trying to stay busy.

I flip my light on and slide out of bed grabbing some panties slipping them on and sit at my desk but he messages again.

So what are you gonna do until 6?

I look at the computer.

I guess I'll update my Facebook profile.

He fires right back.

What do you mean, something happen? Did you do something exciting?

I frown as I pull my Facebook up and click on my relationship status.

No nothing exciting. Just the opposite. Changing relationship status and picture. Have to keep Erik off my page so people don't talk or get him into trouble.

I thought you were trying to work things out with him.

He says right away making me want to cry but I just sigh.

I want to but he chose to leave me when we could've been together. We didn't have to be together in school. He chose to be my teacher all the time.

I don't think he chose being a teaching over you. Isn't there laws preventing you from being together?

I scoff as I read the message I can tell this guy has talked to Erik in depth.

We've been together this entire time regardless of the law. I'm old enough to consent anyway and if he loved me nothing would keep him from being with me.

I change my status and picture. Then update about my day with Tanner. I say how fun it was riding dirt bikes and petting Captain then end by thanking him for the great time. I message him again when he doesn't respond.

How do you know Erik anyway?

He waits a minute then messages.

I live with him. Known him my whole life.

I bite my lip at the questions I want to ask then shut down my computer. I grab Erik's shirt and slip it on then sit there.

Why are you talking to me?

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