A Big Surprise

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Nora and I get up and get ready to go when my parents show up angry.

Tabitha Marie Winkle! You are not taking those babies on the road!

Nora excuses herself to pack the luggage into the car that's waiting for us.

Mom don't go there! They're my son's and they've been here without me long enough. I'm taking them with me and you can't stop me! Now you can either tell them bye and see us in a couple months or you can leave!

I walk out to meet Erik and Renee with our boys who now sit on their hips. I run over taking both of them. Kissing on them telling them I've missed them so much while they pull my hair but Carson talks

Da, da...

I look at him when he looks at Erik but he looks down and frowns.

He just started that. Bradley does it to.

My heart breaks as he looks away to keep from crying. I know him and he loves our son's.

Dang it!

I can't take my babies. Not seeing him like this.

Nora, take the boys stuff out! They're not coming.

I hand them back to Renee and Erik who's eyes widen as I walk over to her.

I'm sorry I guess won't be needing you after all. I'll pay for your flight and travel home.

I walk over to Erik then.

You promise to bring them to me when I send for them. Can you do that?

He hesitates then Renee answers.

I will. He has school.

She agrees as Gary takes the boys things. I tell Gary to have the garage made into an apartment. Then walk back over to Renee and Erik.

Erik, Thank you both for taking such good care of our boys. I can never repay you for this.

I look at our boys and I want to cry because I have to leave them again.

Hey, let's get a picture of you with the boys before you go.

Renee hands Bradley to me and Erik starts to hand me Carson but Renee snaps a picture of us together. We both grin at her but she laughs.

What you look so cute together and you were dating.

I laugh once and he smirks as he hands Carson over and she snaps my picture then Erik cradles his arm under mine to take Carson back smiling at me so I smile but Renee takes another picture. We look at her and she laughs.

Oh whatever it's just a picture for the boys. It's not like it means anything.

I sigh and hand Bradley to her.

Ms. Winkle we need to be going if you're going to make your flight.

I groan then everyone hugs me and I kiss my boys again telling them to take care of our boys again as I look at Erik but he frowns.

Happy birthday Tabby.

Erik says as he hugs me squeezing my hand then looks down at my ring confused. He looks at me like he's going to ask about it but doesn't get to.


I turn looking at my driver and Nora.

I'm coming don't rush me and stop calling me that. That's not my name!

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