Important Authors Note!

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So, if you read my Authors Note on my last chapter, you would know that I had something that was Song of the Day. I am now doing that because I want to and that way, I can request new songs that you haven't heard of and you could listen to it! Yeah, does that make since? Good. Second thing. I am deleting my other Harry Potter Fanfiction and I won't be doing the Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction that I promised. I can't get any ideas for both. So, yeah. If you try to look for those, they won't be up there any more. Sorry, didn't think they were good enough. And lastly, you guys know this story will come to an end soon, so I will need a different book to write. But, unfortunately, I can't think of any Fanfictions to write, so can you guys please help me out and give me ideas for Fanfictions to write next? I would greatly appreciate it! Also, I might not write too much the next two months because my mom just found out that she broke her foot and she needs all the help she can get! Also, during Christmas, I won't be able to write any because I will be on the Disney Dream Cruise on Christmas Day. And I obviously won't get wifi, but I will try my best. Hope you guys had a Happy Halloween!
Song of the Day: Death Valley by Fall Out Boy. Love that song.
Luv ya and take care, my Bunny Army.
Tala R.
263 Words.

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