Chapter Sixty- Three

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It's been a few days since Jay and I fell asleep together, talking about how much we've changed, and memories. My stomach looked as though I was eight months pregnant, enough to say, I was fat as hell. "Eternity!" Damion called from down the hall. 

I turned to face him. "Baby!" I said smiling, speed walking towards him.

He blurred to me in a second and held me in his arms. He put a hand on my stomach. "How are our babies today?" he asked sweetly.

"Better than normal, kicking a lot though," I smiled kissing him.

"Calm down children," he joked towards my stomach.

"You are such a geek," I smiled.

"Since the ceremony is still a few days away, I thought we should get our mind off of things tonight and go out for a date night," Damion said keeping his arms wrapped around me. 

My heart picked up and butterflies flew in my stomach. "I would love that," I smiled kissing him.

"Great, go get ready," he said smiling, blurring off.

I ran to my room and found a nice black long sleeved shirt that had a low neck cut, and it was show off my pregnancy beautifully. I struggled for about five minutes getting a pair of jeans on and some black and white All Stars on. I then did my hair so it fell over my shoulders, my eyes outlined in black. As soon as I opened the door Damion waited there wearing the exact same thing except his shirt was white and didn't have a neck cut. "You look beautiful," He said kissing me.

"Thank you," I said smiling.

He kissed me again and brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. "You look more like a vampire than you have in weeks," he smiled.

"Is that a compliment?" I half joked.

"Of course, vampirism is beauty in this world," he said kissing me.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I asked.

"I thought we'd go visit Raven to check on the children before going shopping, then going out to eat," he said with a smile.

"Sounds perfect," I smiled.

He picked me up into his arms and held me to his chest, before blurring away towards Raven's house. When we got there Lily answered the door like usual, she just opened it wide, letting us in once she saw Damion, before going to get Raven. Raven came out and saw my stomach. "I ain't no doctor, but I think I could find out if it's boys or girls or both," she smiled coming over to me.

She lifted my shirt and put both of her hands on my stomach, an energy that I haven't felt in what seems like forever seeping into my womb. She kneeled there for a moment, before standing. "Great news," she smiled standing.

I looked to her, my heart skipping a beat, excited. "A boy and a girl," she smiled.

I looked to Damion. "Vincent and Esmerelda," Damion and I said together.

"We were about to go shopping and such and get a bite to eat if you wanted to join us," I said smiling at her.

She looked to Lily who was fiddling around with a magic book. "Lily would you like to go to go shopping with Eternity and Damion?" Raven asked her.

Lily nodded and rushed upstairs. She was back down in five seconds flat and was changed into a royal purple dress and blue slippers and her hair neatly straight and brushed. "You look very pretty Lily," I said smiling at her.

"You too princess," she smiled.

"My turn to get ready," Raven said giving me a nice smile.

She jumped in the air and literally a poof of smoke appeared and she was changed into a blue dress and royal purple slippers. "Cool trick huh?" she laughed.

"Ready?" I asked Damion, who had one arm around my waist. 

I nodded and smiled. And with that, we all walked out the door, and towards town.


So the ending of the book is coming up! And the chapters will be super short, I apologize. I would also like to thank all who read the entire book because I know how bad this book is. I thank everyone for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day c: 

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