Chapter Forty- Six

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When I opened my eyes Leo was asleep. I got up and blurred downstairs and grabbed some blood. Jay, Ray, and Hana were on the couch talking and laughing, a movie they weren't paying attention to playing on the flat screen tv. "Hey guys," I said walking into the living room. 
"Did you get a dog and give it a bath, what is that horrible smell?" Ray asked.

Hana looked to me, something that was hope in her eyes, I knew she was hoping werewolves weren't involved. "I adopted a werewolf," I said after a minute.

Hana sighed. "Oh gosh Eternity, do you know what the court will do if they find out?" Hana asked with a shake of her head. 

"I don't want to find out," I sighed with her.
"They'll either take him away and do barbaric tests to find out how to kill them easier or they'll just kill him on the spot," Hana said, sorrow in her eyes, hoping I hadn't grown a connection. 

"Look, if the court wants a princess, they're going to have to deal with the fact I have taken a werewolf into my arms, and if they have a problem with that, they won't have a princess to their perfect little vampire court," I snapped, like it was Hana's fault. 

And in that moment, I sounded so much like Kat my heart frowned. I then wasn't in a good mood and just decided to trudge upstairs and sulk. I missed my old best friend, not the crazy psychotic one, but the one who changed her contact color daily, and the one who couldn't come up with a natural hair color so decided to just be different. My Kat. 

I got into the bedroom and Leo was still asleep. I laid next to him and sighed. His eyes flew open and he looked at me. "Something wrong?" he asked, an eyebrow raising. 

"Just remembering old friends," I said sadly.

"Oh, you had to leave them because you became a vampire?" he asked, like my life was a movie.

And in a way, it kind of was. I then decided to tell Leo all about Kat. He listened and didn't interrupt, I told him how I really felt about the whole thing. It felt good to get that off my chest and I was thankful he listened. As I finished he studied me. "I'm sorry for your loss."

In a way, his words shocked me. "Thanks," I mumbled. 

Leo gave me an awkward one arm hug and I gave him a sad smile. "On the bright side, I'm feeling better," Leo said smiling. 

He sat up without a grimace. "Great, soon you'll be running around like nothing happened," I smiled, putting my thoughts about Kat aside. 

Then a new thought struck my mind. "I was thinking about adopting you, I know that sounds stupid, and this is going to sound even stupider, but I kind of feel protective of you," I said smiling.

He took a moment, his eyes boring into mine. "I've never had anyone care about me, I was weaker than the rest of the members in my pack. I had no friends, the Alpha's family looked down at me like I was a small bug, and even my parents thought it'd be better if I was out of their lives. I would love to be cared about for once in my life," he said, his voice firm, his eyes sparkling.

Something in my heart clicked, the protective feeling of him feeling more motherly than anything I've ever felt before. I wrapped one arm around him and hugged him to my chest. "Well, I don't think I'm gonna go anywhere," I said with a smile.

And I meant it. 

After an hour of watching tv with Leo, he fell asleep again. I got up and changed and headed downstairs. I've found my mothering skills, great. Might come in handy someday. I headed to the castle, and you may be wondering how we travel across the water so quickly. The answer is, we don't use boats or run across the water, although I'm sure we could. There's a tunnel underneath the ground, it's in the shed behind the house, stairs lead to a cellar time looking thing, and its just one very long hallway all the way to the castle. Although with vampire speed, it goes by pretty fast. 

When I got to the castle, I wanted to go straight to Damion. I checked Hector's office first, although he was busy, and Damion wasn't in there. So I then headed to Damion's office, and felt stupid for not going there first. He was there with his hands in his hair, looking down at piles of papers. I walked in and he looked me up and down. I then felt a pang in my stomach, and in my thighs. Damion felt it and a smile broke across his face. He blurred up to me and laid me back on the couch. Him above me made my body go crazy, his kisses making me lose my breath. Before long the makeout session was transferred to our old bedroom within the castle. And I'm sure you can connect the dots, I didn't know why it happened,

but I was glad it did. 

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