Chapter Fifty- One

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I began to cry, and no, don't ask why. I guess I just really wasn't ready to be a mom, I mean yeah I had a rich boyfriend, but then again I didn't know how he'd react. He might be happy, or he'll just be upset because he's already stressed about assignments, and that's not half as bad as the stuff he won't tell me he's dealing with. Raven set me down on her couch and patted my back as I cried, I could tell she didn't really know why I was upset. Soon Lily, the little girl from earlier came downstairs and sat on the other side of me. I looked over at her and she had a plant in her hands, a lovely bush kind of thing, it looked to big for her to carry. She held her hand over the plant and the leaves began to spread and form a shape, vines coming from within the plant growing out, a flower blooming in the ring of vines. After a few minutes a tiara of vines growing up into a small pink flower in place of a diamond. "Every princess needs a crown," Lily said. 

I smiled at her, and I knew I had to tell someone. 

When I got home after Raven escorted me there safely, Damion, Jay, Ray, Hana, and Leo were all on the couch laughing and talking. When I walked in Damion and everyone else smiled at me. I went over and cuddled up in Damion's lap, he held me as the movie on the tv played. "You okay?" Damion whispered in my ear. 

"Fine," I said fake smiling up at him.

"Well I have good news," Damion smiled.

"And what would that be?" I said still fake smiling.

"Jack and Chase are both safely back at the castle as official guards," Damion smiled, happy to have both of his friends back.

"Awesome," I said smiling, and reached up to kiss him. 

Damion pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and I smiled up at him. Shivers racked my spine and goosebumps raised on my skin. "I'm going to go lay down, I'm freezing," I sighed. 

Damion gave me a weird look and I blurred upstairs. I didn't know Leo had followed me until I got upstairs. "You said you were cold, werewolves are naturally warm," Leo said with a shrug. 

I smiled at him and he wrapped his arms around me as I laid down. His hand rested on my stomach and he froze. I slowly turned to face him and he studied me. "You're pregnant," he said.
I sat up quickly and faced him. "How do you know? Is it obvious?" I asked with wide eyes. 

"I felt it's heartbeat," Leo said honestly. 

I felt my heart drop and my body go numb. "Don't tell anyone, please," I said, tears edging at my eyes.

"I won't," Leo said, feeling my panic.

I tried laying back down but was too restless, Leo on the other hand wasn't. He fell asleep and I got up. I changed into a long sleeved cardigan with a tank top underneath with some jeans and sneakers. I went downstairs, everyone was still watching the movie from earlier. I snuck by them and went outside, hoping no one heard. I went outside and took a walk through the forest, following the dirt path. I breathed in the night air, I smelled frost, and knew winter was dawning. I wondered if my baby would be born in the winter, I've never liked the cold, I wanted if my child would. I placed a hand over my stomach. I was pregnant. I mean maybe the test was wrong, what if it was a flaw, my vampire hormones might have made the thing go out of whack. Oh what am I thinking? Why is it so hard to accept? I sighed and looked down at my small stomach, how many times have I looked at my body, was it different because I was a vampire, or was it because I was imagining my stomach growing three times the size? Was I even ready to be a mother? I shivered and wrapped my cardigan around my body and breathed quietly. Was I already starting to feel the effects? Of course I was, duh. I looked around in the darkness and stopped. I felt someone nearby. I protectively wrapped my arms around my stomach and looked around. "Eternity, long time no see?" 

I whipped around and saw Lucious standing there, his white hair floating in the air like there was a breeze, but there wasn't. "I heard that you were the one that removed me from the lead of the war against The Fallings," Lucious stated, something flickering behind his dark eyes. 

"I was, you were stable enough to do so," I said glaring at him.

"Well, I'm not going to get turned in," he said with a creepy smile, and I felt him begin to draw energy from me, slowly. 

Without drawing energy from the source I felt nearby like always, I felt something within me fight back, and energy filled me, without me having to do anything. Lucious fell to his knees. "What is wrong with you? How are you so powerful?" He asked, his breath too far gone to speak in a complete sentence. 

I looked down at my stomach and was taken aback, could the baby already be... forming? Let alone have a conscience. Lucious disappeared before anymore energy could be drawn from him. I stared at my stomach and I knew, 

there was a lot I didn't know about this. 

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