Chapter Fifty

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After I had finished throwing up I went to my room and laid down, Damion laid with me, and I felt better. "Do you know what's wrong? Vampires don't really get sick," Damion said with adoring eyes. 

"It was probably just the pledge getting to me," I said with a shrug. 

Damion gave me an unsure look, and I looked away. Was there a way to find out? "I actually need to go talk to Charlotte," I said sitting up.

"Leo and I will have to go with you," Damion said.

"What, why?" I asked, a worried shock going through me. 

"Well Leo has just as strong of a connection with you as I do now, his just isn't as strong in some ways," Damion said softly, kissing my neck. 

"Well you both can stay here," I said with a smile, kissing him.

Damion sighed and placed a hand around my waist, holding the side of the top of my thigh. "Come back soon," he said gazing up into my eyes, my heart plummeted slightly and I kissed him before blurring away as fast as I could. 

When I got to Hector's office I saw that Charlotte and him were discussing something. "Charlotte, I would like to know whether or not I could get in contact with Raven," I said, not caring about their conversation.

Charlotte turned around to face me and smiled. "Of course, I'll give you her address, she lives in the forest to the far right of the castle, anything else?" she said, her smile looking forced. 

"Um, yes," I said blurring around the library in Hector's before coming upon what I was looking for. 

I grabbed the book of "Werewolves" and blurred away after taking the piece of paper that held an address from Charlotte. Although the house was in the middle of the forest and I wondered why I'd need an address instead of a map or a pathway, I found it quite easily. It seemed there was a whole village or town to the right of the castle, a whole village of vampires, a place of peace I wondered. People stared as I walked with the giant book in my arms, and I didn't really care. Eventually I broke down and went up to a group of men. "Do any of you know where Raven is?" I asked, assuming they knew who she was.

"The witch?" Said one of the men, their face twisting.
"The most powerful witch in modern history, yes," I said, feeling the need to defend her.

Then another men nodded to a house nearby. I thanked him and headed off towards the house he nodded to. I knocked on the door and a little girl answered. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, she looked to be about four or five maybe, but she wasn't like most kids. She looked intelligent. "Is your mother home?" I asked, assuming once more Raven was her mother. 

Raven was then at the door, she looked me up and down and smiled. "Lily, go to your room and keep practicing, this is an important customer," Raven said, her eye pack not seeming so threatening when she was talking to her daughter. 

The small girl looked at me once more before running away into the depths of the home. "Come in, princess," she addressed me formally.
"Call me Eternity, I don't really like the whole formal talk," I said with a smile.

I stepped in and Raven smiled. "So how has the energy gain spell been working?" she asked.

"Well it just feels like there is this presence with me at all times, and whenever I get mad or upset, it lashes out," I said after a minute, with a shrug. 

"Good," Raven said shutting the door behind me.

She led me over to a kitchen table and I sat down. "Blood?" she asked.

"Sure," I said with a smile, I thought it was kind of funny with the whole vampire formality. 

She got two cups out and poured tea into one and got a blood bag from somewhere and poured it into the other. She set the blood cup in front of me before sitting in front of me. "So what are you here for today child?" She asked, her eyes searching mine for some kind of resent to what she said.

"I would like to know, if I'm, um... pregnant," I said with a crooked smile.

Raven studied me, and for the first time I wished I had gotten Jack's power so I could know what she's thinking. "I think a pregnancy test would've been the first thing I would've gone to," Raven smiled.

I then felt so stupid. My face heated up and I smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, probably," I said awkwardly.

"I have some, come on," She said smiling.

She led me to the bathroom and explained that vampire.... never mind I'm not going to go into detail about that. And by the time it beeped and I walked out to her,

it wasn't an answer I wanted. 

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