Chapter Thirty-Three

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When I opened my eyes I knew Roman had taken me away from the club, I was kind of getting tired of kidnapping, breaking necks kind of thing. I looked around me to see I was in a cabin, the bed I was in fairly comfortable and I seemed to be a love cabin you'd see in a movie or something. "Damion?" I called out, wary.

There was no answer. I slid off the bed, my stomach doing a scared/worried flip. "Damion?" I called again, hoping for an answer. 

"Don't be afraid," said a voice, somewhere nearby.

I ran out of the bedroom, there was no door, it was just an opening into the living room. Roman stood there, a scared look in his eyes, like he was nervous. "Look I've never tried to permanently hurt you..." Roman said putting his hands up. 

"Bullshit!" I said taking a step back, even though anger was being fired up in my veins. 

"Look I don't know how to tell you this," Roman said, something familiar flashing in his eyes. 

"Tell me what goddammit!?" I said getting angrier by the second, my tolerance for this asshole fading.

"We're mates!" Roman said, his eyes scared.

"No we're not, I feel no connection to you whatsoever!" I said, shocked.

"Well I do! I feel so drawn to you it hurts!" Roman said, frustrated I wasn't believing him.

"I'm mated to Damion! I feel a connection to him not you," I said with a sneer, not caring whether I hurt him or not.

I then realized the look in his eyes was passion, the look Damion gives me all the time. "No..." I said, wondering how this was possible.

Was he just crazy? "I would like to leave now," I said trailing off, my eyes darting around for an escape. 

"You can't leave," Roman said, his eyes connecting with mine, not leaving.

"I have to, I need to get back to the castle," I said calmly, trying to reason with him. 

There was a longing need in his eyes, and I knew what I had to do. "I'll give you a chance with me, see if we really have a connection, if you let me go back to the castle," I said calmly, my eyes not leaving his.

Hope flashed in his eyes, and I almost felt bad for lying, almost. He nodded fast and quick and led me to the front door. "We're close by, this cabin is next to the cemetery where Kat stayed. Come back whenever you think the time is right for you, I'll be here waiting, and I'll be keeping an eye on you," Roman said opening the door, passion and longing filling his eyes.

I knew he wanted me to kiss him, but that wasn't going to happen. I blurred out the door and towards the cemetery, knowing exactly where to go.

When I got back to the castle I had guards on me quickly. "I'm the princess, back off," I said, knowing I didn't look like myself.

Damion rounded the corner and blurred towards me, taking me into his arms. "What happened? You just suddenly disappeared and I was worried sick, I had a whole search party out for you," Damion said, relief in his eyes.

"We need to go talk, now," I said leaning my forehead against his, sighing, relieved I was with him as well.

He led me to a new office and I guessed it was his, since there was only one wall full of bookshelves, a large grand desk in the center, a large window behind it. "Yes this is my office," he said as we sat down on one of the love seats to the left of us. 

"Okay well obviously this was Roman, he snapped my neck and took me to a cabin out by the cemetery where Kat was and... he think me and him are mates," I said, sighing, feeling like that was a heavy brick locked in my lungs. 

Damion's eye twitched, obviously very angered. "I mean, it's unlikely, and very rare, but it is possible he is mated to you, while you're mated to another," Damion said, another heavy brick in a lung. 

"Wait, that's actually possible?" I said, worried.

"Yes, if it's a male and he has two female mates they all live together, it's natural, and vise versa with genders, but since for you you're connections are activated with a kiss, do not kiss him, or when we kill him you'll feel the pain," Damion said.

A shudder went down my spine as he said when, like he knew it was going to happen. I didn't know why this bothered me, but the thing is,

it probably was going to happen. 

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