Chapter Nineteen

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As Damion sped home in his car, Jack and Chase sat in the backseat with me. Damion was speaking too fast on the phone for me to understand, mostly because I wasn't trying to. I was boiling with anger, although I was also breaking down on the inside. Was Kat ever my friend? "So you can stop time?" I asked in a huff of breath.

Chase looked to me and nodded. "So what can you do?" I asked looking at Jack, trying to distract my brain from my dying heart.

"Telepathy," he said looking at me in the eyes.

I stopped, like I needed to know that. "Don't worry I don't usually snoop on people who obviously don't want to be snooped on," Jack said calmly.

"Thank you," I said, feeling my nerves calm to that fact.

We sped down the street going at least one hundred miles an hour. I knew that Damion saw this as a threat and was reporting it, to whom, I do not know.

And then quickly Damion snapped his phone shut. "We have to go to the castle, my parents see this as an attack and threat, they believe we are in serious danger, they say we need to keep the princess safe," Damion said to Jack and Chase, avoiding me with his words, knowing I was going to be upset.

Damn right I was. "Excuse you!? I have college classes, and I need to figure out what the hell is going on with Kat! I'm not leaving!" I said, my nerves snapping in half.

"You have to! You could be in serious danger!" Damion said loudly, ordering me to obey.

And then I snapped, I didn't know what I was doing, but before I could think I had opened the door and jumped out of the car.

I smacked the pavement and blurred away, knowing Damion was going to stop the car.

I needed to find Kat, I needed to fix this. I didn't know whether or not she was ever my friend, but I still don't want to lose her, and I need to know when she became a vampire, because no way were those fangs fake. I blurred away not knowing where I was going. And then Kat's scent hit me, I didn't know how I knew her sent so well but it hit my like a bag of bricks. I then thought, to hell with it.

I began following her scent, wanting to find her. Yet just when I thought I was losing her scent, I heard voices. I jumped into a tree silently, and peeked over, not even breathing.

I saw Kat and Roman eating a few campers, and since I had never actually had blood from the vein, I kind of had a heart attack. The smell was ten times stronger than from a bag, and I was silently forcing myself to not jump down there. "That was a good performance," Roman then said, throwing the man aside.

"It wasn't a performance, you don't know what it's like, being the second choice, always!" Kat said breaking the bones in the girls body, for what seemed like for fun.

They were both already dead, so I guess that was good. "I do babe, trust me," Roman said plopping down on the ground next to Kat.

Kat then looked to Roman with longing eyes. "I guess I might not be the second choice anymore," Kat said quietly, her yellow eyes gazing into Roman's.

"You won't be, once we get everything straightened out and plant the rumors, they'll be fighting in no time. Then the queen and king won't even notice we'd slipped through court and gotten ourselves in. Introducing our own new era," Roman said, something flashing in his cold eyes, an evil smile on his face.

"I can't wait. Once we throw those damn brats out of the castle, we'll have our own brand new start," Kat said snapping at Roman, as though she was angry.

Something in Roman's eyes showed he didn't care about her at all.

I jumped from the tree in the opposite direction, a twig snapping under my foot. I looked behind me to see the fire light of Roman and Kat's face turned to mine. Before I could react Kat was in my face, and her hands were on my head, my neck turning in the opposite direction.

Hey guys I'd just like to let you know that in this alternative reality where vampires exist, they do heal quickly, they change humans by being bitten and then feeding off of human blood, and can only be killed by another vampire breaking their head off or being staked in the heart. I just wanted to update you guys to maybe answer your questions and maybe you won't be so confused. Thanks c: <3

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