Chapter Fourty- Four

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My eyes snapped up and a large black wolf stood before me. The wolf in my lap whimpered at the sight of the larger wolf, and I wondered if the black wolf was the one who attacked the smaller wolf. I gentle held the wolf in my arms as I slowly stood. My eyes were transfixed with the larger black wolf's, I knew this was a sign of anger or the want to fight, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. "I'm going to go now, and I'm taking this wolf with me," I said calmly.

The black wolf's left ear twitched, listening, and it growled in response, it's eyes narrowing even farther. Suddenly I heard bones crack and change, I watched as the large black wolf slowly shifted into a grown man. He was in his twenties or so, and I watched as he got up off the ground slowly, completely naked. Of course I didn't stare, well I did, just not in, certain places. "You are not taking that wolf with you bloodsucker," the man growled.

My eyes were wide, did I just watch a large ass wolf turn into a human? I then thought, if vampires were real and witches were real, what were the odds that werewolves were real? I then wasn't as afraid, I had powers, and I highly doubted that the werewolf did. "This wolf is hurt, I just want to help," I said calmly.

The large black wolf guy raised an eyebrow and studied me closely. "How long has it been since you changed?" the large wolf guy said taking a step closer. 

"A few months, now I'm going to take this wolf now," I said slowly.

"He's an Omega, take him, no one would want a weak little shit like him," the wolf guy said growling, even though he was in human form, he was just as scary. 

I felt the need to defend the poor young wolf, but instead I realized he said I could take him, so I did. I blurred away, making sure the wolf was steady in my arms, and made my way back to the mansion. I came in through the sliding glass door and silently made my way up to my room, I wondered if Damion would be on my side? Because I knew they weren't going to be fine with this. 

I set the wolf on the bed and pet his head. "You can shift now, so I can help and see what's wrong," I said quietly, and almost motherly. 

The wolf slowly, much slower than the other wolf, changed into the shape of a small boy, the bones that cracked made him whimper. I manifested some clothes for the boy and helped him change. "What's your name?" I asked again in my motherly tone, which kind of freaked me out.

"Leo," he grumbled, he was obviously unhappy, and I knew it was because the wolf said a vampire could take him, that must be an offensive, hell it was and I knew it.

"I'm sorry about whatever happened back there, I thought you needed help..." I said trailing off.

"I did, I was jumped by a few of the other kids," Leo said.

He must have been twelve or thirteen, he had brown hair and brown eyes with a little yellow, his face round, his eyes big. "I'm sorry," I said looking down.

"Who are you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, his eyes studying me. 

"I'm Eternity, princess of the vampire court," I said with a nervous smile.

His eyes widened. "You're going to kill me aren't you?" He said, something filling his eyes, his eyes darting around for an escape. 

"No of course not!" I said with wide eyes.

"I heard you've only been a vampire for a few months, you probably still don't know much about the vampire court, do you?" he said.

Great, a twelve year old knew more about the court than I did, a werewolf at that. "Look you're the first werewolf I've ever met besides that guy back there, does that answer your question?" I said with a sigh. 

"Yes actually," he said trying to sit up, but falling back in a fit of gasps. 

Tears began to fill his eyes and soon he was bawling, and I didn't know why, but instead of sitting there dumbfounded I instinctively reached down and wrapped my arms around him. I held him like a child and he continued to cry. "He said I was nothing," Leo cried.

"I'm sure that you're are going to grow to be a strong wolf, I may not know much, but I know that," I said confidently.

He looked up at me with his big brown eyes. "You mean it?"
"I mean it." I said with a smile.

Before I could let him cry anymore, the door to the bedroom opened and there stood Damion.

Shock filling his face.  

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