Chapter Six

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I finished the blood bag in seconds and moved to the cooler, I didn't know how many bags were in that cooler, but they were in gone in minutes flat. I then ran to the bedroom, tears streaming from my eyes and down my cheeks. I slammed the bedroom door and fell against it, sliding to the floor. I didn't know why I was bawling my eyes out, but just something about the unknown fact of why I just drank a whole bunch of blood, scared the hell out of me. There were no such thing as vampires, werewolves, or anything of the sort. Was this some kind of prank? If it was I was never going to talk to Jay or Ray again. Yet, where did Damion fit in to this so possible prank? I know most of Jay and Ray's friends, and Damion is defiantly not in their category of friends. 

I then stood up and tore apart the room, the anger of the unknown now setting in. I unmade the bed even more throwing it across the room, got into the dresser and threw the clothes about, pushed over furniture. I then got to the closet and dug through the first shelf, a thick book falling to the ground. I picked up the book and opened it, getting ready to tear out pages, but then noticed it was a diary. Was this Damion's diary? 

I sat on the unmade bed and flipped through the pages, the first page dating back to centuries ago. I then flipped to where the bookmark laid and read, for this was just last night. 

Dear Journal,

I found my mate, finally, after decades of searching, I had finally found her. Her name is Eternity Wellhart , she's eighteen, and absolutely beautiful. I had found her in the woods, I had sensed her presence from miles away. I was too overjoyed and bit her almost instantly after I met her, and then I left her there, unsure what to do. I promise to go meet her tomorrow, I know she works at this place called Tanya's Cafe. Her change should complete later on tomorrow, I don't know how I'll break it to her. She's the princess of a vampire royalty, how do you go up to a girl who has never met you and tell her that? I guess I'll just have to figure it out, although I don't know how I will. I guess I'll just have to update you after what goes down tomorrow, until then. -Sincerely D

I shut the book and rested it on the bed. Either this was a really good prank and have been planning it for awhile, or this was real. I picked the book back up and went through it, skipping pages, I didn't understand. No way were Jay and Ray intelligent enough to come up with a prank like this. I got up and paced around the room. What if I was a vampire? I mean it would explain me moving so god damn fast, and the sensitivity to the sun lately. It would also explain the blood.

And what did he mean when he wrote I was his mate? Like lover mate? Because I don't really think that's going to happen, I mean, we were still pretty much strangers. I mean yeah I guess I felt some kind of pull to him, but, ugh! This is so confusing! How could vampires exist? If he was the one who bit me in the forest last night then, what did that mean now? Besides the fact I'm going through the "change" or whatever?

 I then opened the bedroom door to Damion sitting on the couch with his head resting in his head. "Prove to me," I said, not truly understanding where I was going with this.

canine teeth growing until they were sharper and longer, looking deadly and beastly. Okay well making your teeth grow isn't something that was natural. "Okay," I said a little freaked out.
"Look I know this is a lot to take on in just a day, but I mean, I'm here for you," he said with longing in his eyes.
"What's a mate?" I blurted, perplexed by his eyes, they were captivating all of my attention, a pull that I found unknown but stronger than anything I've ever felt before. 

"Usually a lover, in a vampire's case, your soul mate, true love, the one person you were destined to be with," Damion said dragging out the words, unsure on how I was going to take it.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked, not understanding why I felt like I was hyperventilating. 

"I do now," he whispered brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. 

And then I snapped. I ran to the door and blurred away, I didn't know where I was until I got outside. I then knew I was in the rich part of town. I blurred all the way home, going faster than cars, no one seeing me blur by. I got home and burst through the door, my mind pounding. Kat, Jay, and Ray were on the couch still, eating pizza. "There you are, where did you and that one guy run off to?" Jay asked.

"Long story, I don't want to talk about it," I said jumping onto the couch and cuddling into Jay, everything I'd read today, everything Damion told me, pounded through my head, the only thing I could think about.

"You okay?" Jay asked quietly hugging me tightly.

I just gave a brief nod,

was I okay?

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