Chapter Fifty- Eight

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There was silence, no answer, no breathing. "What?" he said, his eyebrows knitting together.

"You have a son," Kathrine said, stepping forward.

"Kathrine, I never thought I'd see you again," Christian said looking at the dirty blonde.

Christian's eyes then darted to my stomach. "Is, is that, my grandson?" Christian stammered.

"No," Ray said glaring at Christian. 

Christian glared back. "Why'd you have to bring one of them here," Christian spit at Kathrine.

"What do you mean?" Kathrine said placing a hand on Ray's shoulder.

"Look, you need to go, this is not a territory for you," the dirty blonde said.

"No, you look. Your son wanted to be one of us, we need to know why he is laying in his death bed!" I snapped, a sudden anger filling me. 

Energy was drawn from the people around me, and the dirty blonde noticed. "She's one of them," he growled, a low hum rising from his throat. 

Christian stepped forward, towards Kathrine. "Take me to him," he said softly, a few people gasping behind him.

Once we'd gotten to the castle, Kathrine was extremely confused. "A castle?" she stammered, gazing upon the doors. 

"No time for that now, c'mon," I said. 

We rushed to find Damion. I ran into him in the hall. "I felt you were near," Damion said hugging me. 

"Where is Jay," I said.

Damion looked over Christian before nodded, he would make me explain later. We rushed to an unfamiliar room and Jay laid, sweaty, in a bed. Christian rushed over to him, looking him over. "You're going to need a hybrid's blood," Christian said turning to face all of us.

"What is going on?" Kathrine said loudly.

"Kathrine, you need to just trust us, okay?" I said grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Where are we going to find a hybrid?" Ray asked nervously. 

"Look, if I can get back to the pack, I can talk with Jordan," Christian said.

Jordan must be the dirty blonde. Ray and Kathrine stepped forward. "On one condition," Christian said looking to me.

We all waited for an answer. "Only she comes," Christian said pointing at me.

"What? Why her?" Kathrine said.
"Not without me," Damion said at the same time. 

"It's fine, I can protect myself," I snapped stepping forward. 

"Lets go," I said looking up at Christian.

When we got back the clearing was empty, the sun setting. Christian led me to the mansion at the top of the hill. "So, I'm just going to take a wild guess and say this is a werewolf pack?" I said nervously, looking at the eyes staring through windows. 

"The Red River Pack. Jordan is the alpha, I am the beta," Christian explained.

"Why the Red River Pack?" I asked, curious.

"Our ancestors lived by this river, and the humans stormed our village, thinking the deaths of their cattle was our fault, and that night the river ran red with our blood and the human's," Christian said as we approached the door.

"That's, horrible," I paused.

Christian walked through the door and I followed, he led me up the stairs that were to the right of us. He led me down a few hallways before making it to an office, that held Jordan and a small girl. He was laughing and playing with the little girl. "Come back here!" he growled, the smile of his face making the growl less fierce. 

The little girl squealed and I smiled. "Jordan," Christian said, interrupting the cute moment. 

Jordan stopped and stood. "Honey, go find mommy," Jordan said to the little girl.

The little girl nodded and ran out of the room. Jordan stood straight and faced us. "My son is like us, something happened, he was bit by a vampire," Christian said.

I didn't want to say what really happened since it might affect what is going on, so I just stayed quiet. Jordan sat down at the chair behind his desk and looked at Christian. "Hybrid blood, yes, I know. I do know a few, but they don't live anywhere nearby I'm afraid. Since he hasn't fully become a werewolf, he would need a vampire human hybrid mix," Jordan said putting his hands on his desk.

"Does a person like that even exist?" I asked, my sudden worry for Jay increasing. 

"Somewhere, we will find one," Christian said, his eyebrows knitting together.

I sighed and sat down, Christian looking at me with worry. "Are you in need of something?" he asked.

"Just tired," I sighed, and stressed, I thought.

Christian looked to Jordan. "I beg you for help, but I need to take her back to the castle, so she can be with her mate, and to get some rest," Christian said helping me stand. 

"Yes, I will look into finding one, don't stay near the blood suckers too long Chris, you know it's just a treaty keeping us apart," Jordan said, his eyes on me. 

I stared into his eyes, 

keeping us apart from what?

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