Chapter Twenty

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When I opened my eyes I found myself in a large comfortable king sized bed. I knew I had been kidnapped by Kat and Roman, there was no doubt. Although I wondered what they were planning to do with me. All I knew is that I needed to escape. I jumped out of the bed, but my body instantly hit the floor making a loud thump. Then the door opened and an unknown man stood there. "I'm so sorry your highness, I hadn't though to bring you blood, I'll go grab you one now," he said blurring away.

Your highness? Oh shit no, they kidnapped me and put me in a fucked up psychotic vampire royal rebel place, I don't even know. I struggled to bring myself back onto the bed. The man then came back with a tray that had neatly stacked blood bags. "Virgin blood, for you, your highness," he said awkwardly before dashing out of the room and shutting the door.

Well although I didn't trust the blood slightly, I was starving, and I had never really understood the whole virgin blood nonsense. I scarfed down the entire tray, and then I understood. Virgin blood was like one hundred million times better, and I didn't even know why, but it was. I then waited slightly for my body to regain itself. 

Just as I got up and stretched, Damion burst through the door. He blurred to me and hugged me tightly. "Thank god you're awake," he said holding me tight.

"Wait what?" I said extremely confused.

"You've been asleep for almost a week, I was so worried you weren't going to wake," Damion said.

"Wait, what the hell happened? I'm so confused," I said pulling away, sitting on the bed.

"You were found in the forest with your neck broken, I knew Kat had gotten to you, but I didn't know how bad, if they had done anything else," Damion said sitting next to me.

"Where are we though?" I asked looking around.

Damion's face when blank, his eyes apologetic. "England," he eventually sighed, yet, I had already knew the answer.

"Wait, a whole week!?" I said then remembering college now.

I stood up quickly, Damion standing up with me. "I'll have so much work to do!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air, not caring about much else.

"Look I've been talking to some nearby tutors and was thinking about you getting transitioned so you can take classes here and still get your degree," Damion said putting his hands up innocently. 

I thought about it for a moment running my hands through my hair. "I guess that could work, but still! What about Jay, Ray, and Kat?" I said, my heart dropping as I said Kat, remembering.

"Kat and Roman are being looked for, for questioning, and I've been in contact with Ray, coincidentally Jay has been hiding from you that him, Ray, and their mother are leaving their father because of some reason and are moving back to England, so I'm sure we can situate something so that they're nearby," Damion said sighing. 

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair once more before asking, "So wait, what happens now?"

He sighed again. "I honestly don't know," he said putting his arms back around me. 

"I just know that my main priority is to keep you safe, and honestly, I just want to spend time with you," he said smiling.

I leaned up and kissed him. "Well I guess I just need to get set up," I said smiling at him. 

"Well actually I've already moved all of your things into my room, this is just a spare, I thought I'd go and show you where our new room is," Damion said letting one arm drop to my waist as he escorted me out of the room.

We headed down the grand hall which was, just grand. Everything looked as though it were out of a movie, even the red carpet the directed the hall. After many twists and turns, Damion finally stopped in front of a double door that was white, and I began to wonder what his obsession with white was about. 

He opened the door to a masterful room, a king sized bed with white sheets and a white canopy, a balcony to the left with a sliding glass door, white carpet soft as silk, a bathroom to the right against the wall, a walk in closet to the side of the bed. A desk with a nice laptop plugged in laid upon it's surface. "This is our room," Damion said, his eyes gazing upon me. 

"It's perfect," I whispered and turned around to face Damion, my smile wide. 

"I'm glad you like it, we'll probably be staying here for awhile," Damion said smiling.

And he leaned down to kiss me, sending volts into my body,

once more. 

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