Chapter Forty- Seven

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When Damion and I got back to the house on the coast, after our little session, I found that Leo was up and walking around. "I'm starving!" he announced as he noticed I walked through the door. 

He was in the kitchen, in shorts with no shirt. I looked to Damion, werewolves were still part human, I began to get a little nervous. "I'll go into town, what would you prefer?" Damion asked politely, trying to be nice for my sake.

"Meat, duh," he said, something that related to hunger flashing through his eyes.

"I'll be back soon, might as well stock up on everything else. In case we have anymore... guests," Damion said leaning down to give a kiss on my cheek, before disappearing into thin air.

Leo gave a weird look. "How do you do that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, giving a semi familiar look. 

"Vampires speed," I shrugged. 

Leo shrugged too and I went over and sat on the counter. "It's kind of boring out here, don't you ever want to go for a run?" Leo asked me. 

"Actually yes, that's how I found you," I said looking to him.

"Oh," he said awkwardly.

I thought his nervousness was weird, and I then I remembered I needed to talk to Charlotte. "Come on, I'll get you some clothes, you can eat at the castle, I need to talk to the queen anyway," I said with a shrug. 

Fear crossed Leo's eyes and I knew this could be potentially dangerous, but I was apart of the court, they'd have to accept my decisions. I manifested Leo some more appropriate clothes, he didn't feel comfortable with wearing a shirt but I made him anyway, must be a werewolf thing. I carried him through the tunnel with my normal blurs, Leo seemed fine with the speed, he actually found it fun. Before we could even walk through the doors guards stopped and almost attacked Leo. "Leave him!" I said a little louder than a normal voice, but the surprising power in my voice made them stop, which shocked even me. 

We walked in after that and I could tell the guards were having a mental conflict on whether or not to stop us once more. We walked through the hallways, maids running away, others staring in shock. We walked to the ball room where I suspected Charlotte to be. I was right. She didn't even scream when Leo walked in with me. Leo just doubled over, screaming in pain, Charlotte's shock showing through her eyes intensely, but not fear, never fear.  My heart sped up and the only thing I could think to do was draw all of Charlotte's energy away. I felt all her energy fill me up like I was an empty glass once more, power filling me, confidence I didn't need breathing into me. Soon she backed up, letting Leo go, and leaning up against the wall. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you," I whispered to Leo.

"Go to the garden, stay close by in case you run into anyone. I need to speak with the queen," I said a little louder so the queen heard.

Leo just nodded and ran towards the glass doors that led to the mazes of flowers. "What do you think you are doing?" Charlotte said regaining herself by walking back up to me.

"I found him, and I claim him," I said sternly, and I sounded powerful, even though I didn't feel it. 

Charlotte was still weak, I could feel it, but she still looked powerful, and stern. She stared at me, studying me, looking me up and down. "This isn't the first time this has happened, if he pledges to you he'll lose that god awful smell, and his old pack won't be able to hear his thoughts anymore. Let me guess, he's an Omega, am I right?" Charlotte asked raising an eyebrow.

I didn't ask why she asked, so instead I just nodded. She nodded. "I'll set up a pledging ceremony for the boy and you, I suspect this happened recently and Damion knows, yes?" 

"Of course," I nodded, surprised on how she was taking this. 

"Alrighty then, anything else?" she asked.

 I shook my head. "Then be off," she said.

I then went to get Leo. "I'm starving," he complained when I came into his sights. 

"C'mon, I think I know where the kitchen is," I said with a smile.

We wandered around the castle until we found the kitchen, a vampire chef leaning up against the counter, bleeding out a pig. "What is pig blood used for?" I asked from behind the casual, surprisingly modern, counter. 

The chef turned around, smiled when he noticed I was the princess, frowned when he saw Leo beside me. "A pledging ceremony must be being set up," he grumbled.

I cleared my throat waiting for an answer. "Some vampire prefer to call themselves vegetarians and drink animal blood instead of human blood," the chef finally answered. 

"Like twilight?" I asked with a chuckle, Leo laughed as well.

"What ever are you talking about?" the chef asked raising an eyebrow at me.

Leo and I broke out laughing for no reason, and the chef chuckled along. "So what would the princess need from the chef on this fine day?" the chef asked, knowing the answer.

"A meal from my pledge here," I said gesturing to Leo.

"Of course, what else is a chef for? What would you like dog?" the chef asked, although you would expect the words to be rude, they weren't. 

"I would say raw meat, but that's a little messy," Leo said with a nervous smile up at me.

"Two bloody steaks coming up," the chef smiled.

Leo looked up at me excitedly, and I smiled down at him.

Very few days, how could I see him as a son or younger brother?

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