Chapter Forty-Nine

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I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until Leo was shaking my shoulders. I sat up and looked up at him. "There's men here, they said you and I need to go with them for the pledge," Leo said, his eyes worried.

"Alright," I said getting up and blurring to my room to change quickly.

I blurred back downstairs and manifested a nicer outfit for Leo, he changed in the bathroom. Eventually we got to the castle, no one was there for the pledge besides a few people I knew and didn't know. Charlotte and Hector were at the stage where I was a few months before for my ritual thing. Leo and I got up there and stood. There was a silver goblet on the table unlike last time, for though which replaced gold. 

A sweat broke out over Leo's forehead and I wondered if the whole siver pains werewolves thing was true, from the looks of it, it was. "Today we gather to connect an official bond between opposites of the supernatural races. A werewolf," Charlotte gestured to Leo.

"And a vampire," Charlotte gestured to me. 

Charlotte handed me a silver bladed knife that held different carvings in the handle than the one Damion used. I took it and Charlotte gestured to the goblet. I pressed the blade to my wrist just like Damion did a few months back, and I made a deep cut, waiting for the hot stinging pain. There was none. I watched as the dark crimson red spilled out, and since I didn't feel anything, it felt as though it weren't me who I'd just cut. I held my wrist over the goblet and the crimson red spilled in, filling it quickly. When it was full, my wrist had finished healing and didn't even leave a scar. Charlotte then gestured to Leo, who was by now sweating. 

He picked up the goblet slowly, wincing, pain filling his eyes. He drank the entire goblet quickly, like taking a shot. He then practically threw the goblet on the table, his hand looking like he had a bad sunburn. Not even a second later did Leo fall to the ground, holding his head. I was about to bend down and help him, but Charlotte held up a hand, I wondered if the silver had poisoned him somehow. After about a minute or two of Leo crying out, he slowly stood, and his face was red, but he looked stable. "Now, for the completion," Charlotte said.

Leo looked to me questioningly. "Bite her," Charlotte said.

Now an extreme anxiety attack swept over me faster than anything I've ever felt before. The last time I had been bitten by anything was Damion, and honestly, I was petrified for some reason of being bit. Even though it felt as though a cold sweat broke out along my hairline. Leo stepped forward, not realizing I was freaking out. He was closer after a half second and before another second his teeth was on my wrist, and my anxiety swept away as fast as it had came. 

His teeth sunk into my wrist, no blood spilling but a sharp venom seeping into my veins. I didn't cry out, though trust me, I wanted to. It was just a second, and he was pulling away, a red seeping into his eyes. "Your eyes are gold," Leo said with wide eyes.

"The bond is complete," Charlotte announced.

I looked back to the small crowd which held Jay, Ray, Hana, Chase, and Damion. Damion's eyes were on mine,

and I wondered if he could see the gold within them. 

When we all got home the abnormal color had faded from Leo and I's eyes. Yet as we all sat down on the couch and chatted, I then got a really bad feeling in my stomach. I hopped up and Damion followed automatically, feeling my discomfort. I blurred to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, Damion was extremely worried, the worry in his eyes making me even more nauseous. I didn't know whether or not I could tell him my conspiracy theory, I didn't know how he would react. 

And I didn't know whether or not I could afford to find out.  

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