Chapter Fifty- Nine

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Once we got back to the castle, Damion already met us at the front door. He pulled me into a tight hug. "You were gone for awhile," he sighed into my neck, holding me tight.

"Yeah, since Jay hasn't gone through the complete werewolf change, he's going to need a vampire human hybrid's blood to live," I said, my body sagging down.

"We have a problem," Hana said running into the main area where we were.

We all looked to her. "Jay's heart rate has been going down, if we're going to save him we're going to need something a little sooner than you think," Hana said, Ray right there behind him.

I looked to Damion, my body was exhausted, but Jay needed me now. I stood up straight and looked down at my stomach, my bump seeming bigger than it did this morning. I sighed and looked to Christian. "We need to find someone, now," I said with a small sob.

Christian sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "We will save my son," Christian said if a huff of breath.

I then counted to three. I then walked away towards Damion and I's room. I dropped my shirt as soon as I walked into the room and Damion shut the door behind him, everyone must have been following us. I changed into a tight black tank top with a black leather jacket then leather pants with buckles and high heeled boots, I then threw my hair up into a high ponytail. He studied me, and I walked up to him and put my forehead on his. "I love you," I said kissing him.

I then walked out the door and grabbed Christian's arm. "Let's go," I said and began to walk quickly.

Christian stopped me. "I believe you are heading back to the village beside the village am I correct?" he asked.

"I know somebody there that might be able to help," I said trying to walk again.

Christian then backed up and dropped to the ground. I heard bones begin to crack and his hair got longer, all over his body. I turned away, covering my ears, not wanting to listen or see. I looked back and a large brown wolf stood before me. He moved his head motioning me, and I think he was telling me to get on. I slowly made my way towards him. I sighed and got on his back. I grabbed a hold of his neck fur and he took off. I leaned forward to kept from falling off. "This is an island you know, there's only one way you could get out," I yelled over the wind.

He just shook his head roughly and I nearly fell off. He then made his way behind the castle a rocky bridge dawning before us. He hopped over to the rocks that were yards apart, I held on tightly, hoping I wasn't hurting him. I held on tight anyway, my heart pounding, fearing of falling off. We finally made it to the other side and he stopped. I looked away as he changed back. I manifested him some clothes. "The village is nearby, I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to just charge in there, they'd smell me," he said stretching.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I said and made my way into town.

People stared as I walked by just like before. I made my way to where Raven lived and knocked on the door. Lilly answered it just like before. "Is your mom here?" I asked, my voice slightly high pitched, out of breath.

"Yeah," she said, her eyes wide, she ran off.

I let myself in and shut the door behind me. Raven then approached me from the hallway. "I've already tried looking through my spellbooks on how to help your friend. I haven't come across anything, at least a spell anyway," Raven said, she looked rushed too.

I let out a small sob. Raven's eyes then lit up. "Wait, you need vampire human hybrid blood, right?" Raven said.

I nodded. "Since you're pregnant, aren't you half human half vampire right now?" she said, speaking quickly.

My eyes widened. 

"You can save Jay, GO!" she said, and I prayed,

I would make it there on time. 

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