Chapter Sixty- One

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When my eyes fluttered open I was alone. I slowly sat up and looked around, before gazing down on my wrist, seeing a faint white scar, I knew the cut had been deep, too deep for even vampirism to heal. I sighed, another scar, another line, for a friend that I didn't even know if they'd live or not. I got out of bed looking down at my stomach, already looking like I was four months into the pregnancy when it'd only been a few weeks. I sighed and put a hand on my stomach, a baby was inside here, a human being that would grow into vampire society and grow into a prince or princess in the vampire world. My baby. I got dressed into a nice maternal black shirt that wasn't too fancy or too casual. I slipped on some leggings, knowing it'd be way to hard to button jeans. I brushed my hair and did a little makeup before bounding out to find Damion. I went straight to the dining hall where breakfast would be served, starving. I walked in and found no one there, surprised that Damion wasn't there. I sighed and went over to the counter that led into the grand kitchen. "Breakfast please?" I called.

The chef appeared and handed over a plate of steaming hot scrambled eggs and bacon with a side of orange juice. "Thank you," I said before grabbing the plate and drink and heading to the dining table. 

I sat down quietly and ate thinking to myself. I thought about my possible Vincent or Esmerelda. After a few bites loud chatter carried down the hall. I looked to the hall entrance  and watched as Ray and Hana walked into the room laughing.  "Hey Eternity!" Ray said, the most happy I've seen him since Jay's been sick.

Ray sat on the chair to my left and Hana on the chair to my right. Both of them smiling at me. "What happened?" I asked looking at both of them strangely.

"Come with us," they said standing.

I stood up leaving my plate that I actually kind of wanted to eat and followed them. They led me down the corridors I was beginning to memorize and towards where Jay lay. I was nervous and afraid, why were they happy? Was Jay better? Or was he worse and they were trying to prepare me for the worst? I began to slow down, afraid of what was going to happen, afraid of what lays beyond the door. Ray opened it and blackness greeted me. "Eternity?" a voice said from within.

My semi human eyes could barely see into the blackness. Jay stepped out of the darkness and before my mind could fully understand his figure I jumped into his arms. "Eternity no!" Hana's voice rang out.

Jay tensed beneath me, my belly pressing into his, my nose buried into his neck. He was stiff, he didn't hug me back, he wasn't breathing. I looked up after a second, my eyes worried. His hands were in tight fists by his sides his eyes closed. "Eternity back away," Jay said, his voice tight, his eyes closed. 

I took a step back, seeing his breath finally quicken, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I stepped away towards Ray and Hana who were also tense, holding onto me. "He's not the same Eternity, your blood didn't heal him," Ray whispered into my ear, eyeing Jay. 

"Wait, so my blood did work?" I asked.

"Yes, just not completely," Hana whispered.

"Wait so what happened?" I asked eyeing Jay.

My life long friend, who's been there for me my entire life. A memory, a hazy white memory faded and seeped into my thoughts, taking over my mind, like a movie playing in my head...

"Eternity!" Jay screamed from the top of the tree, throwing his arms out wide.

"Jay wait! I'm not there yet!" I called to him with a frown, shimming my way up the tree, my small body slipping and sliding through branches.

"Hurry up slow poke!" Jay called looking down, a shine in his eyes. 

"You guys are going to fall and die! Then mom's going to blame it on me!" Ray snapped from below throwing a ball in the air and catching it.

"Shut up!" Jay and I said together to Ray below. 

Kat was dancing around the yard, and stopped to stare at Jay at the top of the tree. "I want to join!" Kat screamed jumping into the tree. 

The tree shook, Jay screamed and fell to the ground on his back, his back in the snow. 

I looked down and fell besides him. Our eyes connected, his eyes flashing gold. "I love you Eternity," Jay said quietly.

"I love you too," I smiled, but never did I know the meaning, 

until Jay stood in front of my and opened his eyes, one bright red, the other glowing gold. 

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