Chapter Five

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"Okay, we really need to talk okay?" he said slowly coming towards me.

"No! Tell me what you did!" I yelled.

And then I was out of the bathroom, heading towards my front door, Damion right behind me. I ran down the stairs and behind my apartment building towards the forest to the left of the street. I knew Damion was right behind me, but I felt as if he was a danger to me and I needed to run. I ran fast, a strange kind of fast, everything blurred behind me yet I could see everything as clear as day. "Eternity!" Damion called after me, his voice ringing in my ears, yet not the only thing I heard.

My heart pounded, by mind screamed, my veins on fire begging to break through my skin, my whole body seemed to be collapsing on me and even though it was the most painful thing I've ever felt yet the best feeling I've ever felt as well. Finally the fire was too much, my body crumbled to the ground, I started screaming, yet there was no sound coming out of my mouth. I felt Damion put his arms around me as I had a panic attack on the ground. "Shh," he comforted.

My brain pounded to every sound I heard, my face feeling hollow, my body screaming at me to die. I wanted to claw at my skin to pull the insides out of my body. I cried out finally letting all the pain out in one scream. Then it felt as if all the pain and energy drained out of me, like I didn't have enough energy to even feel pain anymore, then everything went black. 

When I opened my eyes I had no idea where I was, I felt like I was in a hotel but I couldn't be sure. Everything was white, the king sized bed I laid in to the walls, floor, and door. Everything was outlined in black, everything screaming modern. I sat up quickly, everything moving in a blur again. I could see the dust particles across the room, the black tinted windows hid the glare of the sun that made my stomach turn. I got out of bed in a blur, wondering where I shower was, I certainly must have needed it. I looked at my phone which I found on the dresser, it was just, what?

I had left work two hours ago since Jamie said she'd cover for me. What happened in the hour since I passed out? I then knew I needed to find Damion and interrogate him. I went into the bathroom that was to the left of the bed and looked in the mirror. My skin was paler than usual, my eyes looking as if I was wearing eyeliner, my lips a tad bit redder, my freckles almost transparent. I looked absolutely stunning.

I lifted my shirt to see there were no bugged out diseased veins like earlier, I looked actually surprisingly skinny and fit, toned. I looked back up at my hair that was in a slight mess yet looked naturally sexy. I shook my head, what the hell happened? I went back out and grabbed my things off the dresser, I should get back to my apartment to see whether Ray, Jay, and Kat are still there. 

I left the bedroom and found all the guys from the Cafe sitting in the living area, talking quietly, including Damion. They all looked to me as I left the bedroom. No one said anything, not really sure what to say. Just as Damion opened his mouth I blurred to the door. Yet somehow Damion still beat me to it. "We need to talk," Damion said, his arm blocking me from the door. 

"So talk," I said glaring up at him, not one hundred percent sure why I was mad at him, but I was mad at him.

He looked to the guys in the living room. "Leave us," Damion said, and they disappeared into thin air.

My brain didn't even think about how that just happened. Damion led me to the couch and sat next to me. "Alright I'm just going to tell you straight up how it is, okay?" Damion said, his face unsure on how I was going to react, or how he was going to say what he was going to say.

I just nodded, my eyes still darting around looking for the guys, and for an escape. "You're a vampire," he said flatly.

I looked at him for about point two seconds before bursting out laughing, I didn't know why I felt this to be so god damn funny, but he was! "There's no such thing, you dumb ass!" I laughed, so hard, and the fact I didn't know why, made me laugh even harder.

He then pulled out a cooler from under the coffee table. My laughing quieted as I saw him open the lid to reveal a whole thing of blood bags. I stopped laughing completely and blurred across the room, away from the blood. Not because of the fact there was a cooler full of blood, because of the fact that my teeth ached for it and the craving for it twisted my stomach, the smell of it, too good for me to resist. "You don't need to be afraid, I know this is a lot to take in, but I will explain it to you in time," Damion said gazing at me, waiting for a reaction.

"You're fucking psychotic," I said, my voice rough and dry. 

"Please drink Eternity, you've almost completed the change, you just need to drink this," he said pulling out one.

I closed my eyes and sunk my teeth into my lip, this wasn't happening, I didn't actually want blood, did I? I could smell it from across the room and I cried out, no, I would not drink blood, I wouldn't! Damion stood with the blood bag and slowly took a few steps towards me. I opened my eyes and gazed at the blood bag, my eyes felt as though they were on fire, so did my throat, and my mouth. "Get that away from me!" I screamed.

I blurred across the room towards the bedroom as he took another step. He took another and I hissed at him, air pressing into my teeth from my throat, I sounded partly like a cat, and partly like a monster. I brushed my tongue over the top of my mouth, my tongue coming into contact with two extremely sharp teeth. No, this could not be happening, I could not have fangs

Yet Damion sped over to me in the blink of an eye, and the blood was right next to my face. I couldn't resist, I took it from him and sank my teeth through the plastic, my teeth cutting through it like butter.

And then I drank.

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