Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was led to a stage at the front of the room where a row of thrones awaited, each a different color of cushioning. There was a wooden table that had a golden goblet and a knife, a sharp knife with engravings written into it. Damion stood by the knife and nodded to the goblet for where I was meant to stand. I stood by the goblet, extremely confused, yet I didn't show it, for I felt I didn't want the queen to have that satisfaction. The king stood on the other side of the table from Damion, the queen to mine. Damion picked up the knife without fear. The queen picked up the goblet, handed it to the king, and the king held it by Damion who held the knife. Damion slid the fancy knife across his wrist, blood pouring into the goblet. 

Damion then set the knife on the table once more while his wrist healed in a few seconds. The king handed the goblet to the queen and the queen handed it to me. When her fingers connected with mine, a cold volt went through me, a bad one, sending my heart into a deep plummet. I held the goblet, unsure what to do. Damion mouthed "drink" and I did, my fear of blood giving into the love for it. 

Damion's blood was like no other, a different kind of amazing, like virgin blood. I drank it all without hesitation, and set it back on the table. I felt the almost familiar volt of his blood travel down my throat and into my stomach, an energy going through me, and I suddenly felt extremely happy and hyper. I gave a small smile as Damion took my hand and we both face the crowd. Smiles filled the vampire's faces, and then Damion took off my mask, revealing my entire face to the crowd. "The new princess of the vampire court!" Damion exclaimed to the crowd, and they erupted into cheers.

I could see Hana in the back of the crowd smiling wide and clapping her hands cheerfully. Damion then put my mask on the table and led me into the crowd, where he led me to dance. The music had begun again and people danced cheerfully to the sound. My happiness and energy led me to dance along to the happy classical sounds. Damion and I swirled around the ball room, dancing happily. "You're one of us now," Damion said as we danced, a smile stretched across his face.

"Destiny? Right?" I smiled as we twirled. 

"Of course, always destiny," Damion smiled, leaning down to kiss me. 

The song changed to a violin performance and Damion and I slowed to a soft dance. "You're very good at dancing," Damion commented.

"There are still lots of things you don't know about me," I said giving a mischievous look. 

"I know," Damion smiled.

After dancing for awhile I wanted a break. "So I've met Hanalie, she's extremely nice. What about Lucious?" I asked confused as we headed over to the snack bar.

"Lucious is away on a trip, fighting against The Fallings," Damion said getting me a glass of, I'm guessing blood? 

"The Fallings?" I asked taking a drink. 

"The biggest threat of all the rebellious groups," Damion sighed. 

"Well how is everyone going to take care of that?" I asked.

"We are going to raid their covens, and if they don't surrender, we send a stake through their hearts. Rebellions will not be dealt with in the Vampire Court," Damion said, his authorized voice in full game mode. 

I then though that if there were any spies, they'd hear Damion, and probably relocate. "Although finding their covens must be extremely difficult, I mean we've had a hard enough time just finding them already," I said, looking to Damion with a certain, I don't know, read my mind look?

A flash of recognizance dazzled in his eyes, and I knew he understood. I then felt the presence of the queen behind me. I turned around in a blur, being close to Damion's right side. "Hello my child," the queen said, specifically looking at Damion.

Damion smiled at his mother, and I wondered if he could feel her cold hate towards me as well. "So now that the change of royal blood is transitioning, what's your power dear?" the queen said turning to me and resting a hand on my forearm.

A jolt went through me and I nearly doubled over, but I knew I didn't hide the pain in my face. It was a familiar pain but yet at the same time not, a real pain. "A power replication," Damion said giving his mother a know it all look, with a disappointed look. 

The queen snapped her arm away from me like she'd just heard I had a terrible disease. The queen's eyes widened before turning around. "Well then," she snapped before walking off.

And I felt like she should never have known that. 

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