Chapter Thirty-Six

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After about five hours I blurred through the forest just running off energy. When I came back I took a shower then threw my black hair into a high ponytail, my hair gleaming in the light. I then put on a black long sleeved shirt with a black leather vest over that. I then slipped on some spandex leggings and black high heeled boots. I looked like a bad ass, just how I felt. I went to look for Damion and found him in his office talking to a new amount of men. I walked in, confidence filling my veins. They all dropped into silence and watched me as I walked to Damion's desk, mouths open. I hopped up so I was sitting on the corner of Damion's desk and looked out over the men. "So what's stressing my mate out so much," I said to the men, Damion's eyes on me, and my body, not leaving. 

One man took a minute to reply, and he stuttered as he spoke. "The war, Lucious is not taking the actions he was supposed to."

I nodded thinking this over. "Alright, so simply we go down and find Lucious and see what the hell he's doing," I said simply.

"It's not that easy your highness, Lucious was supposed to go alone to prove he could take throne if Damion failed to find his mate. But now that Damion has Lucious feels he doesn't need to take orders," another man said.

"Alrighty then, rebellious prince going to fight a rebellious army, do you see why you guys are just making the problem worse?" I said after a minute. 

They looked to each other, never thinking about the fact that Lucious could be the real problem. "Alright, looks like the prince and I will be taking a trip," I said hopping off the desk, looking to Damion, whose expression was puzzled.  

"Where is the war being held at?" I asked Damion.

Damion looked up at me and told me that it was being held at in Seattle, Washington. I though it was a strange place, but there were nearby woods that would be acceptable for a vampire chow down. "Well, I think it's smart to go take things into our hands instead of leaving it up to someone who obviously isn't trustworthy," I said rolling my eyes. 

Damion looked at me like I just solved the cure for cancer or something dramatic like that. "Well then," Damion said sighing.

A few days later we were on our way to Washington, taking a private jet. Damion was definitely not happy about me going with him, but he'd just have to deal with it. When we got there it was raining, surprise surprise. I honestly used to love Seattle with all my heart, but every since I moved away to go to college, I saw it for the dreary town it was. Where I grew up. Of course Damion may or may not have known this, but I'd take a guess and say he didn't know. We were staying at a hotel that was probably the nicest one there. "Beautiful city," Damion said smiling at me as we drove towards our hotel.

Yup, he didn't know. "Yup," I said simply and continued looking out my window, watching the semi familiar buildings pass by.

"Something the matter?" Damion asked, his British accent standing out more than ever. 

"Nah, just hungry," I said smiling, flashing my fangs. 

Damion smiled and gave a chuckle. I wondered whether or not he could read my eyes like I could his, because if that were so, he would know. I looked away and watched the window, we then turned onto an unfamiliar street and I felt much better. We parked in the parking lot and Damion held me under the rain and we rushed to the front doors. When we got inside we were looked at with happy smiles, which were like white on black compared to the rainy weather outside.

"Room 803, reserved?" Damion said with a charming smile at the lady.

She smiled at him and looked some papers. "Mr. Damion I presume?" she said smiling. 

He nodded taking the keys from her hand. I nodded at her with a smile and we headed to the elevator. I clung to Damion, for some reason unable to let go. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. It seemed that all my worries just suddenly disappeared. He squeezed me closer and I felt a twang in my stomach. When we got to our room my breath was taken away. A king sized bed was in a room to the right with french doors opened beautifully. 

"Wow," I said as my eyes scanned over the living room that held a flat screen tv and lounge love seat. 

I looked up at Damion and there was a different look his eyes. He leaned down slowly and kissed me, the connection felt stronger in this room, the new twang in my stomach hitting me again. I kissed him back and it didn't seem like I could stop, it didn't seem like he could either. We slowly made our way over to the bed and the twang in my stomach got bigger. Of course I've had sex before, but this time felt different, I mean he was my soul mate and this was possibly the first time we were going to have sex. 

What the hell, why can't I just think about him instead of all the shit that could go wrong? What if I wasn't like other girls he'd done it with? What if...

My thoughts were obstructed by him ripping off my pants, and I mean he literally ripped them off. And with that all my dumbass girly nervous thoughts vanished. And I was right,

this time was much, much different. 

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