Chapter Fifty- Seven

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"I was suspicious but I didn't think I'd be right!" Leo said as we all hustled Jay down the hall towards Hector's office.

"Suspicious about what!?" I said loudly, turning my head to face him.

Leo looked away, conflict screaming in his mind. Finally we burst into Hector's office, Hector and an unfamiliar girl behind him. "Leave us! We will help him," Hector said, the power in his voice shaking my bones. 

We all shuffled out, the door slamming in our faces. Damion slipped a hand around my waist, my chest feeling tight. "C'mon, my father will find out what's wrong," Damion said softly, pulling me to him.

I turned around and faced Leo. "What do you mean you were suspicious?" I asked him. 

"Well on our runs, he seemed like, someone out of my pack. Like he would fit in, and I started to wonder, if he was, like, like me," Leo stammered, fear reflecting in his eyes. 

"That's impossible, Ray is his brother and he was changed without a problem," I said crossing my arms, my head cocked to the right, and I wondered how much I looked like a teacher shunning a student.

"I know! That's why I just was suspicious, I wasn't sure," Leo said looking away. 

I bit my lip, he could be right, there could be something we didn't know. I turned to Ray. "We need to talk to your mother, in case there is something we are missing. Maybe you missed the gene or something," I said.

Ray sighed. "I'll take you there," Ray said kissing Hana, who was staring at him with worry. 

"Damion, I need you to stay here, in case anything happens to Jay," I said turning to Damion, my eyes gazing up into his. 

Damion sighed, his eyes troubled, his eyebrows knitting together. "Fine, call me though, so I know you're alright," he said kissing me.

"I love you," I said before turning around, and Ray swooped me into his arms, blurring away. 

When we got to Kathrine's house, it was a normal house, much less fancier than the last. Ray knocked on the door, and Kathrine opened. "Ray! Oh, Eternity!" she squealed, bursting through the door and pulling me into a hug. 

"Long time no see!" I smiled hugging her back.

She then looked down and put a hand on my stomach, looking up at me with an excited girly smile. "Yes," I smiled nodding.

"Oh my gosh!" she squealed jumping up and down.

"Mom, look, we have something serious to talk to you about," Ray said cutting in. 

Kathrine looked to Ray and stepped aside. "Come on in," she said with a small nervous smile.

Ray and I entered, the house was clean and small, we sat on the couch. "Tea? Coffee?" Kathrine said heading to the kitchen. 

"No we're good," Ray said.

I sighed, I needed to know the truth to help Jay. "Jay has fallen sick, and we think it's because of genes, now Ray has not, and we want to know if there is something we don't know," I said, my eyes searching for hers.

She didn't look at me. "I knew this day would come," she said coming over and sitting down. 

Her eyes raised, her eyes on Ray. "You and Jay are not complete sibling, Jay has a different father," she said after a deep breath.

"Wait, you cheated on dad?" Ray said, his voice tight.

"I did, yes. His drinking was really bad at the time, and I didn't know I was pregnant, I wanted a break," she sighed.

"Who is Jay's father then? Do you think..." Ray said turning to me.

"It's very likely," I said standing.

"Jay's father is a strange man I met at the bar, his name is Christian Crow," she said with a sigh. 

"Do you know where he lives?" I asked her.

"I could take you to where he used to live, but this was a long time ago," Kathrine said standing.

"Take us there," I said standing with her, I needed to know the truth, for the sake of my best friend.

We'd been driving for about forty minutes before Kathrine pulled into the forest, a long narrow gravel path leading us towards who knows where. "I'm kind of nervous to go back, he doesn't even know he has a son," Kathrine huffed.

We broke into a clearing, a whole neighborhood dawning before us. The people who gathered about talking socially, their heads snapped our way. I got out of the car holding my stomach, which seemed bigger than it did this morning, somehow. Ray got out of the car with me and the people's eyes widened, a few people ran to the mansion at the end of the double rows of houses. I slowly walked towards the group of people. When I reached about a couple of yards away from them, Ray stopped me. I cleared my throat. "I'm looking for Christian Crow," I announced, my voice carrying across the field. 

A few breaths were gasped. "He's coming," a man said from the back of the crowd, I recognized him as one of the men who ran to the mansion.

We saw two men descend the hill towards us, slowly. Two men, one a gorgeous man with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes, and a lean mean body was taller than the other. The other, seemed to be taking all of Kathrine's attention, he must be Christian. Christian's eyes were on Kathrine, and they wouldn't leave her. I took another deep breath. "What is your business here," the other man said.

"We came to talk to Christian," I said for Kathrine.

"Speak," said Christian.

I looked to Kathrine, she finally looked away, scratching at her wrist nervously. Ray was staring intensely at the dirty blonde, my now human senses were not catching something between them. I stepped forward, and so did Christian. I looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. 

"You have a son, 

and he may be dying."

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