Chapter 30: Evil in the Night

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Gradually, William's consciousness returned to the land of the waking, although when he opened his eyes, the land was so dark, he wasn't sure if he had really returned. 

For a while, he laid on the ground, freaking out over the darkness, and then what he though was his death, and attempting to figure out how he died. 

"Why?" he wailed, rolling over. 

Immediately, he was nearly blinded by the moonlight. Shielding his face, he quickly sat up, blinking rapidly as he looked around. "My justice senses are tingling," he whispered, staring wide-eyed at the neat and tidy row of shops behind him. 

Pushing himself off the ground, William rummaged around a nearby trashcan, before finally triumphantly pulling out a torn, faded red rag. Tying it on his neck, and he glanced behind him, where three inches of rag fluttered uselessly in the wind. Grinning with satisfaction, William rushed aimlessly into the rows of shops, only guided by his justice senses. 

Soon, he arrived at a shop, and stopped. He watched a slim figure slip out of the shop under the cover of darkness. As it passed out of the shadow, and out onto the moonlit street, it brushed by him. William's hands stretched out automatically, and touched the soft fabric of a shadowed being as it slipped past him. "This is..." 

Turning around, William only saw fabric disappear into another store. 


"Thief! Robber!" William screamed, pointing an accusing finger at the store that housed the figure. 

"Come out, and face me! We shall see whether justice or evil will win this time! And let me tell you, justice always wins!" he yelled. 

Quickly, though, his screams demanding a battle morphed into a rambling rant about justice, and the cruel ways of the wicked, completed with exaggerated gestures. 

As he ranted, Wyetta peeked out of a shop, adjusting the bag on her back with a bit of annoyance. When would William learn to shut up? He'll definitely wake someone up if he keeps talking with that volume. 

Annoyed, Wyetta glared at his general direction as she tossed a delicate glass vase into her bag of stolen goods. 


Was that...? 

Slowly looking down on the ground, Wyetta's blood ran cold as she saw the broken vase. 

The vase's shimmering pieces were soon accompanied by glass from the window as William barreled in, screaming something about justice. 

Wyetta's hand trembled as she tried to distinguished window from vase. "Now I won't be able to put it back together...." she thought tearfully as she kneel down, and quickly swept the shattered remains into a bag. "This is probably worth something, thought." 

Standing up, Wyetta jumped on William, and attacked him with no warning at all, aside from a hate-filled glare. 

"Why did you do that? You idiot! Moron! Why aren't you kidnapped yet? You're not trying hard enough! Slacker!" 

"How am I a slacker?" William defended, slightly offended. "Never mind that, how did you get from me being a moron to me not getting kidnapped, to me being a slacker? Make up your mind, what am I?" 

"You're all of them!" Wyetta shouted angrily, Putting her bags back on her back. "Also do you have any bags?" 

"Nope." William replied immediately, happy for the sudden switch in conversation. 

"All right. I'm sure I can find one on the way..." Wyetta muttered as she walked away. 

"Oh! Which reminds me, did you see a robber here, by any chance? I saw the evil thief run into this store, but-" William blabbered. 

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