Chapter 8: Loss

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Circling the pile of rubble surrounded by pebbles-covered trees, Grimaldo examined the long shadows cast on the rubble by larger chunks of rubble, looking for any sign of Wyetta, life, or any movement at all. "Wyetta? Wyetta! Are you here? If you are, give a shout or something! If you're not, uh, well, try to get to us or something!" William called, the lump in his throat getting larger. 

He looked back at Grimaldo. "See anything?" 

Nodding his head, Grimaldo gestured grandly at the clear blue sky around him. 

"No, I you see Wyetta, or anything that could be Wyetta, or anything Wyetta related," William clarified. 

Thinking for a while, Grimaldo slowly examined the sky around him, and the ground below him. Finally, he shook his head and pointed to where he hoped the west. 

"You want to give up and go to the library?" William asked, horrified. 

Nodding, Grimaldo completed the wide circle he was flying above the piles of rocks, and began flying towards the West Library. 

"It's not like I can stop you..." William muttered. 

Raising his voice, William called, "Wyetta, if you can hear me, we're going to the library!" 

He tightened his grip on the carriage. "Meet us there! Preferably..." 

Curse that stupid lump in his throat, it's making it so hard to talk. And his eyes kept on watering for some reason. "Preferably alive, all right?" he finally choked out. 

Forcing out a laugh, William added, "That was suppose to be a joke. You see, the likelihood of you being alive is so small, it's laughable I should worry about it. In fact, it's laughable that the possibility even crossed my mind! I mean, why would you be, ha-ha, not...alive?" 

Laughing again, William turned back so he was facing forward in his seat, and slumped down. William stared glumly at the ruins, rubbing his eyes. "She's the one who suggested that we should go to the library in the first place, so she'll definitely go there, right? Even if she didn't hear me, she'll go, right?" William asked quietly to Grimaldo. "She won't be going anywhere else but to the library, so we'll definitely meet her once we get there. Definitely." 

Glancing up at Grimaldo, who was silently driving the carriage, William sighed. "I wish you'll talk more." 

Curling up in the seat, he announced, "Anyways, I'm going to sleep now, wake me up when we're there." 

Grimaldo nodded in affirmation, but William had closed his eyes before then, and was falling fast asleep. 

Turning his attention back to guiding the carriage, Grimaldo began to attempt to figure out a way to solving the various problems surrounding the situations right then. The problems he was facing were, but are not limited to, keeping the pigs flying, as some looked rather terrified and tired, making sure the ride wasn't bumpy, as there was a lot of wind blowing in every direction, and last but not least, making sure he was going the right direction, which he was not sure how to find out. 

Also, he wanted to sneeze, but he couldn't, and he was stuck with the sneeze feeling. He loathes that feeling. 

Analyzing the wind speed, direction, and the angle and speed the wings were flapping, Grimaldo deduced that they were going nowhere fast, so he didn't have to worry about whether or not he's going the right direction. Watching the pigs flap their wings slightly slower than before, Grimaldo decided it was time to give the pigs a break. Guiding the pigs downwards gently in hopes that nothing would be broken too seriously if the pigs suddenly quit. Grimaldo carefully weaved in between the towering pine trees. After a while, Grimaldo managed to land softly on the ground without too many bumps. 

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