Chapter 1: Wyetta

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"Wyetta, what are you doing?" 

The sharp, accusing feminine voice reached Wyetta's ears. Stiffening, Wyetta's brown hair whipped her face as her head quickly jerked around to face to the source of the voice. Wyetta's throat went dry as she instantly recognized the tall, confident figure. It was her mother. 

Drying her hands on her apron, a slender, elegant lady walked out of the kitchen and through the darken hallway. Her serene expression commanded attention, which Wyetta readily gave to her. Frozen with terror, Wyetta was like prey before a snake as she stared at her mother with wide eyes. 

The soft, rhythmic tapping of the woman's slippers came to a stop as she stood over Wyetta, looking down at Wyetta's hunched figure. 

Wyetta returned her gaze, the black and pale green boots she was struggling with earlier laid forgotten in her hands. 

"What are you doing?" the woman repeated. "Why are you up so early?" 

Finally, as though snapped out of a trance, Wyetta let out a breath, looking visibly relaxed. "Oh, it's just you, mama. You scared me!" 

Continuing to put on her shoes, she went on. "It's nothing special, I'm just going out for a little bit to collect the moonlight flowers. The moonlight flowers need to have many spells cast on them to keep them in perfect condition, they are located in small patches scattered across the world, they could only be picked at night..." Sighing, Wyetta shook her head. "There are just so many conditions to keep them pretty, and many people don't think it's worth it." 

Wyetta's eyes began to glow with excitement. "But that's why they'll be so expensive! We can make them into wreaths later, and while we're selling your bread, we can sell the wreaths as well! The extra work that went into making the wreaths lets us make it even more expensive, and since there are so many tourists visiting this town all the time, we'll definitely find someone who has the money to buy them! Make deals! Make money! Live better! Be happy! Earn tons of money!" 

The confused expression on the lady's pale blue-green face gave way, and she smiled. Patting Wyetta's head, the lady's pointed ears twitching upwards in approval. "That's a brilliant idea, Wyetta, I'm proud of you. You're always thinking of ways to make money. I just know you're going to be rich one day." 

A light purple blush spread across her cheeks as Wyetta ducked her head down, hid her ears sheepishly in embarrassment. "Thank you mama," she muttered beneath her breath. 

Finally getting her foot in her boot, Wyetta quickly tied the shoelaces, and stood up. "Well, I'll be going now. May this day bless you with great wealth," she told her mom. 

Her mom bowed her head. "And may your day be filled with monetary opportunities," she replied. 

Reaching into the folds of her translucent, enchanted web of an overdress, Wyetta pulled out a piece of paper. 00389, 50262, TELEPORTATION, it read. Rifling through her memories, Wyetta made sure the coordinates she remembered, and the coordinates written were the same. Once she was absolutely sure, she muttered words, and almost immediately, white flames jumped up, and danced at the point where the paper met her hands. Seconds later, the paper was engulfed in flames, and dropped to the floor as ashes. 

Picking up a broom and a dustpan, Wyetta's mom neatly swept away the ashes scattered on the floor, and calmly dumped the ashes into the small trashcan. She then walked back to the kitchen, pulling out a book in hand. She would have to wait a while for the bread to finish baking. 

Noticing the receding darkness as she cast spell after spell, and picked flowers, Wyetta straightened up, flower in hand, and looked up to the sky. Looking up at the brightening sky filled with hues of orange, red, and purple splatters, Wyetta saw a large, bright orb peeking out from behind the distant trees, and decided it was about time to go home. 

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