Chapter 16: Castle

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Finally thawed, Wyetta moved her fingers in relief. She was forced to listen to several hours of William sobbing and screaming how sorry he was, and a bunch of other nonsensical things when he thought she couldn't hear him. But she could. Oh, yes, through the ice, everything came in perfectly clear. 

Shivering, she looked around. It was nice she was in a chamber, but did it really have to be made of ice? Did it really have to be part of an ice castle? Wasn't she suppose to try to thaw out, not freeze up even more? 

Still shivering, she slipped past William, who had finally fallen asleep, too tired to apologize anymore, thank goodness. She stiffened when her finger brushed William's cheek, causing him to wake up from his nap. 

His head shot up, and whirled around violently. 

"You're awake! Thank goodness!" William screamed, "What's your favorite shade of red? Fuchsia is the best color, do you agree? Tell me, tell me!" 

Grabbing Wyetta's hands, he continued blabbering, but suddenly stopped. " still feel very cold! I'm so sorry, are you feeling cold? Unless you lost your sense of feeling, and you did not know if you're cold or not? I am so sorry!" 

A sweater materialized in his hands. "Do you want an ice sweater? An ice turtleneck?" he screamed frantically. 

"How, take my shirt!" 

"No, no, it's fine," Wyetta replied, punching William in the chest. "Don't take off your clothes, do you want to freeze to death? Do you have a death wish? I can kill you right here if you do, there's no need to attempt to die of cold." 

"Yes, please! Punch me, kick me, do whatever you want to me!" William sobbed. "Take out your anger on me, I deserve it!" 

Wyetta backed off a bit. "I was just joking, chill." 

"But please, hit me! I deserve it! Hit me with your best shot!" William screamed. "Oh no, you're backing off, do you think I'm strange? Don't think I'm strange! Please don't hate me! Don't hate me!" 

"Uh," Wyetta replied slowly. 

She turned around and ran out of the castle. "Okay." 

She felt her breath hitch has she beheld the scene before her. Small houses sprawled in front of the castle, and in the middle was a sculpture of her sitting on top of a mountain of coins. 

She drew close, amazed. 

Noticing an inscription, she bent down and read it. 


Smiling at the sprawled words increasingly growing larger, she turned back to the castle to apologize, and make up with William. However, what she saw next frightened her her to the core of her being. 

An elf was walking past. Not just any elf, but the very same elf that kidnapped her family and friends, and burned the town down. Although his attire changed, his lack of facial expression, and clean, pale face proved it was the same man. 

"Eat sculpture, lunatic!" she screamed, hurling the ice sculpture at the man flying away. 

However, it landed several inches behind, and smashed into the ice castle, shattering into pieces, and creating a huge hole in the castle. 

"Oh Skyra, what have I done?" she wailed, running to the broken remains of the ice sculpture in her likeness. 

She glared up at the spot the elf was in, eyes blurry with tears. "I'll get you for it, one day!" she screamed, before sobbing by the corpse, er, remains of the sculpture that looked like her. 

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