Chapter 35: Final Battle

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Wyetta looked down at her legs numbly. She was frozen. How could this be? Red didn't do anything, so it wasn't her. But the only other person who could have done it was... 

Turning her head around, Wyetta's eyes grew as a smile appeared on William's face. Shocked, she couldn't look away as he raised his head, and stared straight into her eyes with a victorious grin. 

They stared at each other, unmoving. Soon, the smile on William's face began to fade away, and suddenly, his head jerked down. 

Having won the abrupt staring contest, Wyetta teared her eyes away from the boy. She drew her focus back to Red just in time to see Red launch a large beam of red towards her. "This is it, I suppose," Wyetta decided, and glared at the light. 

No matter what, she wouldn't show weakness. 

Her eyes widen again as the world blurred, and she found herself sprawled on the ground. Quickly getting into a more elegant position, Wyetta looked up to her savior, saw the clean and tidy-looking man who destroyed her town, and immediately bared her teeth and growled. Almost as quickly as the hatred showed up in her, she remembered that the man claimed to be Grimaldo, and in extension, her friend. She slowly reverted to a neutral expression, save her narrowed eyes. 

The hero is always late! 

We're here to save you from your cruel fate! 

"I-SoP!" Wyetta shouted happily, recognizing the sword's echoing voice. 

Crawling closer to Grimaldo to get a better look at Ice Sword of Blizzard, Wyetta curiously asked, "Why are you here?" 

Grimmy-dear got worried, 

So we came here, hurried. 

"Oh," Wyetta replied. "Worried..." 

Perhaps she had misjudged the man. Perhaps he spoke the truth, and really was Grimaldo. 

"Thank you. I suppose," Wyetta thanked Grimaldo begrudgingly. 

Grimaldo gave Wyetta a curt nod to show he heard her, and encased himself in flames. 

Standing up, Wyetta drew out a dagger, and clenched her hand around it. "Can you get her onto the ground?" Wyetta asked. 

The fire surrounding Grimaldo suddenly disappeared, and Wyetta found herself staring at hole that was where she was standing. 

"Tha...thanks for saving me again," Wyetta thanked shakily. 

Grimaldo nodded as he watched Ice Sword of Blizzard put up several walls of ice in front of them. 

"Grim...aldo," Wyetta called. 

Turning around, Grimaldo tilted his head to one side, waiting for Wyetta to continue. 

"Your arm." 

Grimaldo stared at the pointing Wyetta in silence, and immediately turned around, and began walking away. 

"What happened to it? Did you treat it yet?" 

Running up to Grimaldo, Wyetta grabbed his coat. "Why aren't you answering me? Are you going to reply?" 

Annoyance flickered in Grimaldo's eyes, and disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. 

"It's nothing," Grimaldo replied softly, removing Wyetta's hand. 

"Did you get burned while rescuing me? I feel terrible. I'm sorry!" Wyetta apologized, tearing up. 

Gingerly, Wyetta awkwardly hugged Grimaldo, and pulled him behind her. "You get some rest, I'll fight Red by myself." 

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