Chapter 9: Ice Princess

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Cheeks heating up, blood rushed to his head as his excitement steadily increased. Feeling lightheaded, he looked up at the glowing Ice Princess as she walked. The moonlight gently shone on her beautiful, pale face, making her seem more ethereal than usual. 

"It's her! It's her!" the voice in his squeaked as Ice Princess drew closer, brown hair elegantly flowing out behind her like a cape. "I've never had a dream with her in it before. I need to memorize everything. Even if she's not the real thing, she's still amazing!" 

Trying to control his rapid pants of excitement, he took long, slow breaths. "Breathe, Grimaldo....breathe," he told himself. "Keep calm and...I can't believe the Ice Princess is here, I wonder if she'll see me. Should I say hi? What if I seem too pushy? Oh, what should I do? I'm so really excited! Maybe she'll sign my arm? Too bad I won't have the signature in real life though..." 

Staring in awe, he watched dreamily as Ice Princess drew closer. Suddenly, she stopped and looked straight at Grimaldo. Grimaldo's heart beat faster, and he suddenly stopped breathing. 

Ice Princess opened her mouth...and spoke. 

"Wuddup bruddah?" she asked, giving a cocky toss of her head, and a smirk. 

Her hair that is as brown as the dirt on the ground was tied together on the back of her head. Like the blade of a sword, it whipped through the air, and swayed a little as Ice Princess posed, looking perfect every second. 

Grimaldo's eyes widened, trying to memorize her quirked smirk, her thumbs-up stuck in Grimaldo's face, everything she said, and every single movement she made. 

Suppressing a squeal of delight, a silly smile crossed Grimaldo's face as his legs wobbled and collapsed under him, causing him to sprawl on the ground. He stared dreamily up at Ice Princess. Dream Ice Princess was just like Real Ice Princess. She even said Ice Princess' catchphrase right. Grimaldo congratulated his mind for not ruining Ice Princess' beauty, elegance, poise, grace, quirks, and so on and so forth. The dream Ice Princess is just like the real Ice Princess. 

"Hello!" he replied joyfully. "I'm-your-biggest-fan-and-I-find-you-the-coolest-ever-both-figuratively-and-literally-and-I'm-so-honored-to-meet-you-even-if-it's-just-in-a-dream-and-not-only-that-I-want-to-hug-you-but-then-you-might-find-that-creepy-since-even-I-feel-like-that-urge-is-creepy-and-going-a-little-too-far-so-I'm-using-all-my-self-control-to-not-hug-you-right-now-and-I'm-so-excited-and-happy-and-I'm-so-glad-to-see-your-gorgeous-dream-self-in-person-which-reminds-me-I-made-you-an-ice-sculpture-several-in-fact-but-they-melted-and-my-friend-used-them-in-her-water-balloons-and-I'm-still-depressed-by-that." 

Lifting an eyebrow, Ice Princess replied, "Didn't quite catch dat, but 'kay." 

Materializing a cheap, bright red, plastic chair, Ice Princess plopped herself down on it, stretching, yawning, and quickly making herself comfortable on it. 

"'Kay. Didn't come 'ere just to make yer fanboy heart ged ah heart attack." she stared, lazily admiring her nails painted with mud and dirt. 

Grimaldo nodded diligently. "I see you're wearing Ice Princess nail paint." he commented. "The 12th type released. Is it your favorite? No one ever asked you in the interview, and you didn't respond to my fan mail. I need to know. I bought 100 of each type, and I'm wearing them in layers on my fingernails. I want to wear your favorite type on the top layer." 

Blinking, Ice Princess asked, "Wut? I dun really haf a favorite. Plus, yer fanmail ish too long. I 'ad someone summarize each installment, 'nd he gave up by installment 35th. Gave him a raise even though the summary was 'round 956 pages each. It's 'bout 1,000 pages less dan what'cha wrote though, sho..." 

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