Chapter 34: To Regain What was Lost

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Slamming her clay cup onto the table, Wyetta roared. "I can't believe him! He abandoned us so quickly!" 

"Tell meh wen yer startin' too feel less angry," Ice Princess mumbled, sprawled on the dirt mound, half-asleep. 

Grimaldo nodded as he heated more clay cups, and handed Wyetta another cup of melted ice. 

Grabbing the clay cup, and gulping down its contents, Wyetta threw it to the ground. "I can't believe that stupid..." She pulled out a scroll, hastily skimmed over the words written on it, snapped it shut, and put it back in the folds of her dress. "William Lost. What a stupid minion! It was even written in the contact that he wouldn't abandon me, and be a minion for someone else! I can't believe he broke the contract just like that! He even went as far as pretending to not know me! Such a moron!" 

With a demonic screech, Wyetta smashed yet another innocent cup against the floor, and breathed heavily. 

"I bet that Red person did something underhand! She's going down," Wyetta yelled with a flourish, and stomped out of the earthen room. 

"We 'ave ah 'ero too save us from da evil tyranny o' Red 'ow!" Ice Princess cheered. "We're saved!" 

Grimaldo threw his left arm up to show his support for Ice Princess' happiness. 

"We should 'ave ah partay, or sumthin'," Ice Princess mused excitedly. 

"We should!" Merth exclaimed, bursting into the room with a cake made out of rocks. "What is the party for? Are we having two parties? This is so amazing! Back in Sodom, I never got invited to any parties! The only parties I attended were parties I hosted. But the people who came were always too busy eating to actually party. It was rather awkward." 

"Er...shore. Ah'll invite sum folks!" Ice Princess yelled as she ran out the room. 

"Wait, but you haven't told me where the party is at! I haven't decorated yet!" Merth shouted, frantically chasing after Ice Princess. 

Ignoring Ice Sword of Blizzard, Grimaldo stared at the door, deep in thought. 


Are you going to just ignore me, Grimaldo? 

Why are you doing this? 

Wait. Are you considering the risks? 

Don't tell me you're actually planning to... 

We already have a hero. No need for two! 

Don't you dare... 

Ugh. Why do I even care? 

Slowly, Grimaldo stood up, and picked up Ice Sword of Blizzard. Silently, he strode out of the room, and fluidly slipped past the creatures that were crammed together in the earthen hallways. 

"So, do yah wanna join?" Ice Princess asked the five-horned goat. 

Noticing Grimaldo slip past several bulky scaled horses, Ice Princess energetically brought her arm up high, and waved with a wide grin on her face. "Yer gonna invite people too da party two?" she asked. 

Not even looking back, Grimaldo shook his head, and stepped out of the tunnel. 

Standing patiently in front of the entrance, Grimaldo waited for his eyes to adjust to the light. 

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