Chapter 7: Journey to the West Library

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In a half-awake daze, Wyetta felt herself being dragged by the collar of her recently mended overdress through the busy streets of the town. 

Remembering she was the ruler of the aforementioned town, she attempted to look as graceful as possible with a face full of bruises, blood, and weariness by attempting to straighten her dress, and wearing a benevolent expression. She waved slowly, giving everyone a dazzling, gracious smile as she was dragged through the streets. 

As soon as she reached the edge of town, and was beginning to be dragged uphill to her palace, she immediately let herself fall back into her disorderly, half-asleep state, too exhausted to keep up her image. Closing her eyes, she soon fell asleep. 

She awaken every so often, took note of her surroundings, and fell back asleep. She heard Grimaldo talk with someone about a carriage in her castle, and then fell back asleep. 

The next time she awoke, she was jolted back to the land of the waking when she hit against wood when she was carelessly tossed into a carriage. She was full awake and alert by the time she was used as a cushion by William. 

Shoving William off her, she jumped up, ready to attack whoever treated her so roughly, Wyetta lost her balance, and fell back into the carriage as it flew into the sky. "What are you doing?" she asked, pushing herself to a standing position. 

Grimaldo turned around, and gave Wyetta an apathetic stare. 

"You're driving us to the West Library?" Wyetta asked hopefully. 

He nodded. 

"Oh, you're actually going to help? Thank you so much, mister...I mean Grimaldo-I can call you that, right?" 

Eyes focused on the sky in front of him, Grimaldo shrugged nonchalantly as he tilted the carriage a little to his left. Smiling, Wyetta continued. "Awesome! Well, this is really strange, but, the West Library...actually, from here, it's not located West, surprise, surprise. It's actually located north of here, not...uh, east, like the direction we're going." 

There was a long span of silence, and finally, Grimaldo turned the carriage around. After a short while, Wyetta hesitantly added, "Um, actually, I wouldn't believe it myself, if I didn't know, but that's actually, uh, west. Or, um. Uh...north is that way. So, if you could just turn around..." 

Another awkward silence settled upon the group as they flew along smoothly. After several minutes, Grimaldo finally turned north, expression still unchanged, and strangely blas\u00e9 about the whole exchange. 

Now finally heading to the West Library, Grimaldo steered the great winged pigs through the peaceful sky. Wyetta was talking to him every so often to get vengeance advice, and whenever they got off course, she would tell him which direction they were suppose to go, and what direction he was going. Occasionally, William would turn around in his sleep, and make his presence known. 

The journey was uneventful aside from the times when Wyetta accidentally stepped on William. However, the journey was going to go from mostly uneventful to very uneventful. 

The group drew up to the mountain pass and was stopped by an imp. "Got'cher mone' out?" he asked gruffly. 

"Is there any way we could..." Wyetta asked, trailing off hopefully. 

The imp shot her a look. "No pay, no way." 

There was a short silence, and Wyetta suddenly sprung to action, pulling back on the reins of the flying pigs and repeatedly whispering to Grimaldo, "Retreat, retreat!" 

Confused, Grimaldo took control of the carriage again, and guided the carriage around a large boulder, hiding them from the view of the imp, and gave Wyetta a look of confusion as he waited for an explanation. 

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