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"...Red realized that with so many people attacking her 24/7, she might actually die, and thus changed her strategy from doing whatever she wanted to causing as much damage as possible. When the war ended after 4 horrible years, a third of the total amount of people who were part of the volunteer army that went against her had been wiped out. Huge regions of barren, burnt land filled the world, and there were numerous dimensional rips. Wizards and witches collaborated together to stabilize the world and sew up the dimensional rips. When they finally finished a year and a half later, the world was filled with many new creatures and magic for they had slipped in through the rips. The addition of these caused the environment to change in some regions, drastically in some, and not very much in others." 

Taking a deep breath, Wyetta adjusted her crown, and concluded her speech. "Therefore, it is recommended for everyone who was alive during the war or are foreigners to retake their air allergies test by the nineteenth. Also, I would like to welcome all tourists and travelers here. Please enjoy your time here at the town of William. That is all." 

Bobbing her head, Wyetta turned around, and left her balcony to the cheering of a crowd. "I didn't think my speech was all that good. Was it good? What do you think, Jarve?" 

"It wasn't all that good," the small troll kid stated blandly. 

Grimaldo nodded in agreement. 

"I see, I see. So my thoughts are right, after all," Wyetta mused. "Which reminds me, did you have the meeting with the rest of the advisers I asked you to have?" 

"Yes. We've decided there's no way to stop Alevandajar the Third from invading us, and to just treat him like how we treat other vermin. Currently, we're keeping him occupied with a riddle." 

"Good job. You may go now." 

"All right," Jarve replied, but did not move. 

Turning around, Wyetta asked, "What is it?" 

"Adviser Space-Time Cat Grimaldo has been following me around for a while now, and I am rather frightened by it. Can you order him to leave me alone?" 

"Nah, it just means he likes you and wants to be your friend," Wyetta dismissed. "Is that all?" 

Jarve stared at Grimaldo's emotionless face, gulped, and turned back to Wyetta. "Yes, that is all. Thank you once again for promoting me from a street urchin to a baggage carrier to a judge to an advisor." 

"Don't mention it. Now go back to solving problems for me." 

"Yes, your majesty." 

Casting a quick glance to Grimaldo, Jarve quickly looked away, and walked out, Grimaldo silently following behind.

"Summer! Heat! Dying!" Jake gasped, rolling around on the floor. "How come you're not affected at all by this? You're not even sweating! Why ain't you sweating?" 

"Hm, I don't know," William replied absentmindedly, bring the temperature of the air around him down a couple degrees. 

"Whoa! This place is, like, so cold! Why are you hogging the cold air spot? That's not fair! Mommy! William is hogging everything! He's ruining my life! Mommy! Are you even listening to me? Mommy!" Jake shrieked, running upstairs. 

Rolling his eyes, William idly stared at Jake's retreating back. Once William was absolutely sure no one could see him, William opened a drawer, and brought out a small glass tube of clay. "I wonder how Wyetta, Grimaldo, and Merth are doing now," William whispered, holding the bottle up to the sun. "I hope they won't forget me. I know I definitely won't forget them."

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